[UAI] Bayes net structure learning using single link look-ahead.

From: R.G.Cowell@city.ac.uk
Date: Fri Apr 06 2001 - 08:05:55 PDT

  • Next message: Henry Prakken: "[UAI] AI & Law '2001: First call for participation"

    Several Bayes net structure learning algorithms work incrementally by
    testing the addition of a single link to a current model , seeing if
    it improves some score, such as marginal likelihood, and then
    selecting the link which increases the score the most. I remember that
    there were some papers a few years back pointing out that this
    single-link look-ahead search fails for some special situations and
    the simultaneous addition of two links should be considered instead,
    but I cannot recall any details of the papers.

    I would be grateful if anyone can provide references to papers which
    deal with this issue.

    Thanks in advance.

    Robert Cowell
    Department of Actuarial Science and Statistics
    City University
    Northampton Square
    London EC1V 0HB
    tel: (44) 020 7477 - 8454
    fax (44) 020 7477 - 8838
    www: http://www.staff.city.ac.uk/~rgc

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