[UAI] AI & Law '2001: First call for participation

From: Henry Prakken (henry@cs.uu.nl)
Date: Mon Apr 09 2001 - 10:59:05 PDT

  • Next message: Daphne Koller: "[UAI] Postdoc opportunity"

                              First Call for Participation

                            Eighth International Conference on
                             ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE and LAW

                                      May 21-25, 2001
                                 St. Louis, Missouri, USA


    The early registration deadline of the ICAIL-2001 conference is April
    23. A registration form is attached below. Details about the conference
    program, including a list of accepted papers, can be found at the
    conference web site.

                                    CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS

    * Invited Talks:
      - Frederick Schauer (Harvard University): Must Judging be Interesting?
        On the Pitfalls of Designing Rule Systems to Please the Judiciary
      - Benjamin N. Grosof (MIT): Automating Law in the Small: Contracts,
        Regulations, and Prioritized Argumentation
      - Kevin D. Ashley (University of Pittsburgh): Opportunities and
        Prospects for Intelligent Tutoring in Legal Education

    * Workshops:
      - Legal Knowledge Systems in Action: Practical AI in Today's
        Law Offices
      - AI and Legal Evidence

    * Tutorials:
      - Introduction to AI and Law
      - XML and Emerging Legal XML Standards
      - Search Strategies for On-Line Legal Research: a primer and a plea
      - Technical and legal issues in E-Commerce

    * Panel Discussion: AI & Law meets Jurisprudence

    * Tour of the Old Courthouse, Downtown St. Louis.
    - -----------------------------------------------------------------------

                         ICAIL-2001 Registration Form

    Please fill in and send, FAX or email with your payment to:
      Prof. C. Hafner, IAAIL
      College of Computer Science
      Northeastern University
      Boston MA 02115 USA
      Tel: 617-373-5116 FAX: 617-373-5121

    Surname:______________________________ First





    Affiliation (for ID

    FULL CONFERENCE REGISTRATION: Early (before April 23) Late/On site
        Member of IAAIL or ACM ___ $295 ___ $345
        Non-member ___ $325 ___ $375
        Full time student ___ $150 ___ $200
    (Full conference registration includes all paper sessions and invited
     talks on Tuesday, May 22 - Thursday May 24, 1 copy of the
     Proceedings, coffee breaks, 3 lunches, Welcome Reception and Court
     House tour. Please register for the banquet below.)

        One-day attendance (Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday) ___ $150
        Washington U. Students (paper sessions and invited talks) ___ $ 30

         ______ Tickets at $75 each (inclusive): ________

    TUTORIAL REGISTRATION: w/ICAIL Tutorials Full-time
    (Monday, May 21) registration Only Students
                                          ----------- ---------- ---------
     __ Morning Tutorial (choose M1 or M2) $100 $150 $ 60
        9:00 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.
     __ Afternoon Tutorial (choose A1 or A2) $100 $150 $ 60
        2:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.
     __ Morning and Afternoon Tutorials $160 $240 $100

    If you registered for tutorials, please indicate your choices:
       _____ M1 "Introduction to AI and Law"
       _____ M2 "XML and Emerging Legal XML Standards"
       _____ A1 "Seach Strategies for On-line Legal Research"
       _____ A1 "Technical and Legal Issues in E-Commerce:
                An AI Perspective"
    WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: w/ICAIL registration Workshops Only

     __ W1. Legal Knowledge Systems in Action $15 $75
            Monday, May 21, 2:00 p.m.
     __ W2. AI and Legal Evidence $15 $75
            Friday, May 25
    Total Payment Enclosed: _____________
    Method of Payment:
      __ Check or money order in U.S. dollars, payable to: IAAIL
      __ Visa or MasterCard
         Card number:____________________________ Exp.
         Card holder's name: ___________________

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