[UAI] Postdoc opportunity

From: Daphne Koller (koller@Robotics.Stanford.EDU)
Date: Mon Apr 09 2001 - 10:58:10 PDT

  • Next message: Jae-Hyuck Lee: "Re: [UAI] Bayes net structure learning using single link look-ahead."

                       CALL FOR APPLICATIONS
                       Probabilistic methods

    Topics of particular interest include:
     * Probabilistic graphical models (e.g., Bayesian networks)
     * Statistical learning
     * Decision making under uncertainty
     * Reinforcement learning
     * Bioinformatics

    The postdoctoral research associate will be part of Daphne
    Koller's group at Stanford University. The group currently
    consists of nine PhD students, a postdoctoral research associate,
    and several masters students and undergraduates. In general,
    Stanford offers a lively and exciting environment, with
    outstanding students and leading researchers in a variety of
    areas and departments.

    The successful applicant will be expected to conduct theoretical
    and applied research in one or more of these areas, and to be
    willing to interact with the group on projects in other areas.

    Applicants should
     * have a solid background in one or more of the areas above
     * have good scientific skills
     * be willing to take an active role in the research group.

    Applicants should EMAIL a CV, the names and email addresses of
    three references, and a short description of their research
    interests and goals as a postdoc (< 500 words) to Daphne Koller
    (koller@cs.stanford.edu). All materials should be sent in
    ASCII text, postscript or PDF format. The selection process will
    begin immediately, so applications should be sent as soon as

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