[UAI] CP'2001 Call for Tutorial and Workshop Proposals

From: Ian Miguel (ianm@cs.york.ac.uk)
Date: Fri Apr 20 2001 - 11:05:47 PDT

  • Next message: Francesca Rossi: "[UAI] second call for applications, CP 2001 doctoral programme"

    The CP'2001 Program Committee invites proposals for the Tutorial and
    Workshop Program to be held in Cyprus. Tutorials will take place
    during the technical program. Workshops are planned for Saturday,
    December 1, 2001.

    CP'2001 tutorials are ideally targeted at the whole constraint
    community and should give a state of the art description of a field of
    research related to constraint programming or of a large area of
    application. Tutorials may address theoretical and/or practical aspect
    of constraint solving. Typical subjects, without any limitation are:
    numerical CSP, global constraints, n-ary constraints, soft
    constraints, mathematical programming, dynamic programming and
    constraints, cooperation between methods, local search,
    functional/concurrent/logic constraint programming, areas of
    application (e.g. bioinformatics)...

    CP'2001 workshops will provide an informal setting where workshop
    participants will have the opportunity to discuss specific technical
    topics in an atmosphere that fosters the active exchange of ideas. It
    is an opportunity to disseminate work in progress or to promote new
    and emerging areas within the field of constraints. The topics of the
    workshops can cover any area related to constraints and any related
    cross-disciplinary areas.

    The format of the workshop will be determined by the
    organizers. Workshops can vary in length with an expected duration
    ranging from half a day up to one day. Having two or three
    co-organizers for a workshop is strongly advised. Workshop attendees
    must either register for the main CP conference or pay a CP workshop
    only fee.

    Important Dates for Tutorials and Workshops

         July 30, 2001: Proposal submission deadline
         August 13, 2001: Acceptance notification
         November 26-30, 2001: CP technical program and tutorials
         December 1, 2001: CP'2001 workshops

    Requirements for Submission

    Proposals for tutorials and workshops should be between one and two
    pages in length, and should contain the following information (in

    - - The title and a brief technical description of the
      tutorial/workshop, specifying the goals and the technical issues
      that will be its focus and a preliminary schedule (duration).
    - - A brief discussion of why and to whom the tutorial/workshop is of
    - - For workshops, if available, a list of tentatively confirmed
    - - A list of related tutorial/workshops held within the last three
      years, if any, and their relation to the proposed tutorial/workshop.
    - - The names, postal addresses, phone numbers, web page and email
      addresses (if available) of the proposed organizing committee. This
      committee should consist of two or three people knowledgeable about
      the technical issues to be addressed, preferably not coming from the
      same institution.
    - - The name of the primary contact for the organizing committee; this
      person must have an email address.
    - - A description of the qualifications of the individual committee
      members with respect to organizing a CP workshop/tutorial, including
      a list of workshops/tutorials previously arranged by any members of
      the proposed organizing committee, if any.

    Each workshop organizing committee will be responsible for:

    - - Producing a "Call for Papers" and a Web page for their workshop by
      August 27, 2001. Please provide a web page/URL which can be linked
      into the CP2001 home page. The call must make it clear that the
      workshop is open to all members of the CP community. It should also
      note that all workshop participants must register for the CP
      conference or pay a CP workshop registration fee. Finally, it should
      also clearly describe the process by which the Organizing Committee
      will select the participants.
    - - Providing a brief description of the workshop for the conference
    - - Reviewing/accepting submitted papers.
    - - Scheduling workshop activities in collaboration with the local
      organizers and the workshop chair.
    - - By November 1, 2001, workshop organizing committees must provide any
      working notes to be duplicated for the workshops (up to a maximum of
      200 pages), and a list of audio-visual requirements and any special
      room requirements.

    Proposers are encouraged to send their draft proposal to potential
    participants for comments before submission.

    CP'2001 organizing committee will be responsible for the following:

    - - Providing publicity for the workshop series as a whole.
    - - Providing logistics support and a meeting place for the workshop.
    - - In conjunction with the organizers, determining the workshop date
      and time.
    - - Duplicating working notes as described above and distributing them
      to the participants.


    All proposals should be submitted by electronic mail (in ASCII,
    Ghostscript compatible Postscript, PDF or LaTeX), to
    Thomas.Schiex@toulouse.inra.fr, as soon as possible but no later than
    July 30, 2001. Prospective organizers will be notified of the
    committee's decision no later than August 13, 2001. Please send your
    proposals and any inquiries to: Thomas Schiex (email:

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