[UAI] ISMDA 2001-2nd announcement

From: Víctor Maojo (vmaojo@infomed.dia.fi.upm.es)
Date: Wed Apr 25 2001 - 09:28:33 PDT

  • Next message: AMT 2001 Secretariat: "[UAI] AMT01 paper submission extended"

     Please accept my apologies if you receive multiple copies of this call

                                        Call for papers

                                      (2nd Announcement)
                     2nd International Symposium on Medical Data Analysis
                                          ISMDA 2001

                                     October 8-9, 2001.
                               Hotel Monterreal. Madrid, Spain.


    The 2nd International Symposium on Medical Data Analysis=20
    (ISMDA-2001) is the continuation of the 1st symposium,=20
    held in Frankfurt, Germany, on September, 2000.=20
    It aims to integrate interdisciplinary research
    from scientific fields such as statistics, signal processing,
    biomedical informatics, data mining and biometrics for
    biomedical data analysis. It will provide an international forum
    for sharing and exchanging of original research results, ideas
    and practical development experiences in areas
    related to the analysis of biomedical data.

    Proceedings of the conference are programmed to be published
    within a forthcoming issue of Springer Verlag's Lecture
    Notes in Computer Science series

    Organizing Committee

    General Chair
    Victor Maojo, Polytechnical Univ. of Madrid. Spain.

    Scientific Committee Coordinator
    Fernando Martin, Institute of Health Carlos III. Spain

    Steering Committee
    R. Brause, J.W. Goethe Univ. Germany
    J.M.Barreiro and J. Crespo, Polytechnical Univ. of Madrid. Spain.
    M. Garc=EDa-Rojo. Hosp. Alarcos. Spain
    C. Jimenez. Hospital Gregorio Mara=F1=F3n. Spain

    Scientific Committee
    A. Babic, Link=F6ping Univ. Sweden
    A. Colosimo. Univ. of Roma "La Sapienza". Italy.
    N. Ezquerra. Georgia Tech. USA.
    A. Giuliani, Nat. Inst. of Health. Italy.
    J. Hasenkam. Aarhus Univ. Denmark.
    E. Keravnou. Univ. of Cyprus. Cyprus.
    P. Larranaga, Spain. Univ. of the Basque Country. Spain
    N. Lavrac. J. Stefan Institute, Slovenia
    R. Lefering, Univ. of K=F6ln, Germany
    A. Macerata, Institute of Clinical Physiology. Italy
    E. Neugebauer, Univ. of K=F6ln, Germany
    C. Ohmann, Univ. of Heine, Germany
    L. Ohno-Machado. Harvard Univ, USA.
    A. Pazos. Univ. of A Coru=F1a. Spain.
    L. Pecen. Academy of Sciences. Czech Republic
    W. Sauerbrei, Univ. of Freiburg, Germany.
    B. Sierra, Univ. of the Basque Country. Spain
    J. Sima, Academy of Sciences. Czech Republic
    B. Silverman. Univ. of Pensylvannia. USA.
    H. Sitter. Univ. of Marburg. Germany
    B. Zupan, Univ. of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

    Local Committee
    Members of the Executive Board of SEIS, the Spanish=20
    Society of Health Informatics

    ISMDA Home page


    Bayesian networks
    Clinical trials analysis
    Cluster analysis, state space analysis for=20
            medical applications
    Data analysis for image processing
    Data mining and predictions, knowledge discovery
    Dependency analysis, sensitivity analysis
    Health bioinformatics and genomics
    Internet-based solutions for collecting, exchanging=20
            and analyzing medical data
    Medical data visualization
    Medical decision support systems
    Modeling of medical systems
    Neural networks, fuzzy computing, biology-based computing
    On-line monitoring
    Software tools for medical data analysis
    Survival analysis
    Time series analysis

    This list is not exhaustive. Papers on all aspects of biomedical data
    analysis and prediction are welcome. Both research and applications
    papers are solicited. All submitted papers will be reviewed on the basis
    of technical quality, relevance, originality, significance, and clarity.

    Author information
    Interested authors must submit 5 paper copies of the complete
    manuscripts of no more than 6 single spaced pages including
    figures by May 3, 2001. Please include one separate cover page
    containing the author's name(s), address(es), phone number,
    email, affiliation, paper title, paper domain as indicated above,
    and keywords. In case of multiple authors, all correspondence
    will be sent to the first author unless otherwise requested.
    Authors should follow Springer Verlag author guidelines as indicated on

    Nevertheless, Authors are encouraged to submit electronically=20
    as stated in the electronic submission guidelines
    (see http://www.seis.es/ISMDA/ ).

    Otherwise, papers should be mailed to:
    CEFIC, Technical secretary ISMDA 2001
    C/ Olimpo, 33 - 1=BA C. 28043 Madrid. Spain

    Deadline for Submission of Draft Papers: May 3, 2001
    Notification of Acceptance: June 18, 2001
    Deadline for Submission of
    Camera-ready Paper and registration =20

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