[UAI] AMT01 paper submission extended

From: AMT 2001 Secretariat (amt01@Comp.HKBU.Edu.HK)
Date: Wed Apr 25 2001 - 09:29:41 PDT

  • Next message: Ning Zhong: "[UAI] IEEE Data Mining 2001: Call for Tutorials"


                     Deadline Extended to JUNE 15, 2001 !!


                            Second Call for Papers


              The Sixth International Computer Science Conference:

                        ACTIVE MEDIA TECHNOLOGY (AMT-01)

                        18 - 20 December 2001, Hong Kong

                 Home Page: http://www.comp.hkbu.edu.hk/~amt01

                                 Organized by

                   IEEE Hong Kong Section Computer Chapter
          Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University


     As a newly-emerged, fast-growing area in information technology and
     computer science, Active Media Technology (AMT) strongly
     emphasizes the increasingly important proactive roles of
     computational systems and media in different aspects of digital life.
     This conference will particularly focus on (i) the current state of research
     and development in theory, art, and science of AMT, and (ii) the
     demonstration of the latest architectures, prototypes, tools, and fielded
     systems that demonstrate or enable AMT. The topics of interest include,
     but are not limited to:

        * Human-Machine Interaction
        * Self-Adapting Computers
        * Face and Gesture Recognition
        * Machine Learning
        * Visualization
        * Evolutionary Art
        * Models of Emotion, Motivation, or Personality
        * Wearable Computers, Hand-Held or Wireless Devices
        * Avatars
        * Multi-Agent Systems
        * Multi-Modal Interfaces
        * Smart Environments
        * Collaborative Information Gathering
        * Virtual Marketplace or Community, Internet Ecology
        * Augmented Reality
        * Knowledge Network
        * Personalization
        * Distributed Softbots and Netbots
        * Synthetic and Believable Agents
        * Pervasive Technology, Push Technology
        * WWW Content/Service Delivery
        * Active Perception

    Keynote Speakers:

     Prof. James L. Crowley
           INRIA Rhone-Alpes, France

     Prof. Toshio Fukuda
           Nagoya University, Japan

     Prof. Toru Ishida
           Kyoto University, Japan

     Prof. Oussama Khatib
           Stanford University, USA

     Prof. Takeo Kanade
           The Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, USA


     Submission of paper must be in full manuscript. Electronic submission
     is encouraged. The accepted papers will be published in conference
     pro-ceedings. It is understood that one of the authors of the accepted
     paper will register and pre-sent their paper at the conference. Selected
     high-quality papers from the proceedings will be published in an
     international journal.

    Important Dates:

     Submission Due : June 15, 2001
     Notification of Acceptance: August 1, 2001
     Camera Ready Manuscripts Due: August 15, 2001

    For more information, please contact:

     AMT 2001 Secretariat
     Department of Computer Science
     Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
     Fax: (852)-2339-7892
     Email: amt01@comp.hkbu.edu.hk


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