[UAI] Multimedia Data Mining

From: Simeon J. Simoff (simeon@arch.usyd.edu.au)
Date: Tue May 08 2001 - 14:25:39 PDT

  • Next message: Martin Neil: "[UAI] Research positions with RADAR group, Queen Mary, University of London, UK"

    ***** 1 week left to the deadline ********


    Second International Workshop on Multimedia Data Mining (MDM/KDD2001)

    in conjunction with

    Seventh ACM SIGKDD International Conference on
    Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining
    August 26-29, 2001, San Fransisco, CA, USA (SIG-KDD2001)

    Workshop chairs:
    Osmar R. Zaiane (zaiane@cs.ualberta.ca) and Simeon J. Simoff

    Paper submission due May 15th 2001.


    The major topics of the workshop include but are not limited to:

    - multimedia data mining methods and algorithms;
    - knowledge discovery and knowledge extraction from image data;
    - knowledge discovery and knowledge extraction from sound data;
    - knowledge discovery and knowledge extraction from video data;
    - automatic video annotation and indexing;
    - real-time object detection in video streams;
    - electronic documents - multimedia data representation and reuse of
    discovered knowledge;
    - content-based search, retrieval, and discovery methods;
    - uncertainty management in multimedia data mining;
    - complexity, efficiency and scalability of multimedia data mining
    - the incorporation of domain knowledge;
    - multimedia data mining and interactive exploration;
    - multimedia data visualization and man-machine interfaces;
    - integrated data mining of text and image data;
    - data analysis of video and audio data;
    - representation of discovered knowledge
    - active storage for data mining in multimedia;
    - mining from unstructured and semi-structured data;
    - web-content mining;
    - data mining from XML documents;
    - mining from Geografic Information Systems;
    - data mining in collaborative virtual environments and virtual reality

    We also encourage submissions, which present early stages of research work,
    software applications and solutions.

    For details, please, visit the Workshop Web site at

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