[UAI] Current Controversies in Risk Analysis

From: Daniel Byrd (ctraps@radix.net)
Date: Fri May 11 2001 - 18:50:49 PDT

  • Next message: Bruce D'Ambrosio: "Re: [UAI] how to evaluate approximate algorithms"

    Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) summer Forum -

    Risk assessment and risk management in the Bush administration will be
    the focus of a two-day Forum, Current Controversies in Risk Analysis,
    June 18-19, 2001, in Arlington Virginia. SRA is sponsoring a close look
    at both the mechanisms for risk-based decision-making and its regulatory
    applications. Several major environmental and food safety decisions are
    visible on the horizion.

    The new Administration faces many important regulatory decisions,

     *how to structure and implement government-wide regulatory review

     *what to do about mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants

     *how to remedy ergonomic hazards in the workplace

     *how to prevent an outbreak in the U.S. of bovine spongiform
    encephalitis (BSE, commonly referred to as "mad cow" disease)

     *how to regulate pesticides subject to the Food Quality Protection Act,
    especially its provisions related to the protection of children

     *whether the "residual risks" from air toxics pose a serious concern
    after the installation of Maximum Achievable Control Technology, and
    what to do about it if they do

    A diverse audience usually attends the SRA summer Forum, including
    attorneys, Congressional staff, federal officials, government relations
    experts, journalists, public interest group employees, students,
    scientists, and SRA members. Many of the speakers will be former career
    analysts, some from the Office of Management and Budget, which will play
    a more prominent
    role in decisionmaking in the new administration.

    The SRA summer Forum will be held at the Key Bridge Marriott Hotel in
    Arlington, VA. Registration information can be obtained by calling the
    SRA Secretariat at (703)790-1745 or accessing the SRA's web site at
    http://www.sra.org/events.htm#workshop. Those who register by June 4th
    receive a substantial discount. A block of hotel rooms has been reserved
    for those traveling to attend.

    Daniel M. Byrd III, Ph.D., D.A.B.T.
    Consultants in Toxicology, Risk Assessment and Product Safety
    Suite N707
    560 N Street, SW
    Washington, DC 20024
    (202)484-7707 - phone
    (202)484-0616 - fax
    ctraps@radix.net - email

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