[UAI] Source code for a BNN/ANN

From: Nick Hynes (admin@1site.co.nz)
Date: Sun May 13 2001 - 21:23:32 PDT

  • Next message: Raimondo Schettini: "[UAI] Internet Imaging (CFP)"

    Hi All,

    I'm doing a Machine Learning project for a paper at Auckland University

    We require a Bayesian/standard back-propagation neural network.

    Rather than re-inventing the wheel, and doing what has already been done
    better by others, we would like to use other peoples source code if

    The project is purely for academic research, and credit will be given to the
    origin author(s) (though the research isn't likely to result in a published

    Our requirements are fairly basic: we don't anticipate using more than 7000
    traing examples - but ARE interested in convergence time - so the code
    doesn't need to run fast, but should converge quickly (if you see what I

    We're working in Java/C/C++.

    If you have any suggestions please contact me directly, and I will post
    summary to the group. mailto:nick@1site.co.nz (or, at Uni.


    Nick Hynes.

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