RE: [UAI] how to evaluate approximate algorithms when exact solution is not available?

From: Kathryn Blackmond Laskey (
Date: Tue May 15 2001 - 10:57:00 PDT

  • Next message: Adnan Darwiche: "Re: [UAI] how to evaluate approximate algorithms"

    >There are cases where irreducibility is trivially fulfilled,
    >e.g., when all prior and conditional probabilities are non-zero.
    >This is called the positivity condition.

    But even when these conditions are satisfied, convergence, although
    linear, can be exceedingly slow. The convergence rate depends on the
    modulus of the largest non-unit eigenvalue of the transition matrix.
    For complex graphical models the eigenvalues of the transition matrix
    can be very difficult to find or even obtain bounds for.
    Convergence diagnostics recommended in the literature may indicate
    convergence when the sampler has not in fact converged, but is
    sampling in a local basin of attraction.

    Adaptive sampling methods (samplers for which the transition
    probabilities change with sampling history, of which annealing is a
    commonly used example) may have all non-zero priors and conditional
    probabilities, but may not even converge to a unique stationary
    distribution, let alone converge at a linear rate.

    Kathy Laskey

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