Re: [UAI] WinMine Toolkit version 1.0

From: Ryan T. Sammartino (
Date: Thu May 17 2001 - 21:37:00 PDT

  • Next message: John Fox: "[UAI] Intelligent agents and reasoning under uncertainty"

    As an amateur with an interest in such things, I'd love to be able to
    play with this.

    Unfortunately, I don't use Windows.

    What are the chances of getting source to this released under some
    Microsoft-approved license (they seem to really like the BSD)?

    * David Maxwell Chickering <> [17/05/2001 15:46]:
    > I am pleased to announce that the WinMine Toolkit version 1.0, developed
    > by the Machine Learning and Applied Statistics group in Microsoft
    > Research, is now available for academic use. This release includes tools
    > for
    > - Learning Bayesian networks, dependency networks, and decision
    > trees from data
    > - Evaluating the predictive accuracy of learned models
    > - Viewing and browsing learned models
    > This release runs under the Windows NT/2000 operating systems. It
    > includes command-line executables that facilitate scripting of
    > experiments. The toolkit uses XML formats for both data and models.
    > To learn more about the features of this release or to download it,
    > please go to
    > Max Chickering

    - --
    Ryan T. Sammartino
    No man's ambition has a right to stand in the way of performing a simple
    act of justice.
                    -- John Altgeld

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