[UAI] WinMine Toolkit version 1.0

From: David Maxwell Chickering (dmax@microsoft.com)
Date: Thu May 17 2001 - 13:52:15 PDT

  • Next message: Moises Goldszmidt: "[UAI] 17th Conference on Uncertainty in AI (UAI-2001)"

    I am pleased to announce that the WinMine Toolkit version 1.0, developed
    by the Machine Learning and Applied Statistics group in Microsoft
    Research, is now available for academic use. This release includes tools

    - Learning Bayesian networks, dependency networks, and decision
    trees from data
    - Evaluating the predictive accuracy of learned models
    - Viewing and browsing learned models

    This release runs under the Windows NT/2000 operating systems. It
    includes command-line executables that facilitate scripting of
    experiments. The toolkit uses XML formats for both data and models.

    To learn more about the features of this release or to download it,
    please go to


    Max Chickering

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