[UAI] Call for Papers ICA2001

From: Scott Makeig (scott@salk.edu)
Date: Wed May 16 2001 - 16:14:29 PDT

  • Next message: David Maxwell Chickering: "[UAI] WinMine Toolkit version 1.0"



                 Third International Conference on
                  Independent Component Analysis
                      and Signal Separation

                      San Diego, California
                       December 9-13, 2001

    Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is emerging as a new standard
    area of signal processing and data analysis. ICA attempts to solve
    the blind source separation problem in which sensor signals are
    unknown mixtures of unknown source signals. While there are no
    general analytical solutions, in the last decade researchers have
    proposed good approximate methods based on simple assumptions about
    the source statistics and using maximum likelihood, information
    maximization and minimization of higher-order moments.

    ICA theory has received attention from several research communities
    including machine learning, neural networks, statistical signal
    processing and Bayesian modeling. More recently numerous applications
    of ICA have appeared including applications to adaptive speech
    filtering, speech signal coding, biomedical signal processing,
    image compression, text modeling and financial data analysis.
    ICA2001 will feature the latest developments in the new field of
    blind source separation. The Workshop will feature internationally
    respected keynote speakers, poster sessions, and symposia on theory,
    on algorithms and on applications to a wide range of fields and
    data types. The Conference recreational program includes an informal
    banquet and a unique opening cocktail party / unmixer.

    This, the third international meeting in this series, is being
    hosted by the Institute for Neural Computation, UCSD. The previous
    two meetings were held in Aussois, France (December, 1999) and
    Helsinki, Finland (June, 2000). This year's event will be held
    December 9-13, 2001 immediately following the Neural Information
    Processing Systems (NIPS) conference in Vancouver, Canada and its
    post-conference workshops.

                 BETWEEN JUNE 1 AND JUNE 29, 2001

    Organizing Committee

    Chair Terrence Sejnowski terry@inc.ucsd.edu
    Program Te-Won Lee tewon@inc.ucsd.edu
    Publicity Scott Makeig scott@inc.ucsd.edu
    Treasurer Gary Cottrell gary@inc.ucsd.edu
    Publication Tzyy-Ping Jung jung@inc.ucsd.edu
    Comm. Javier Movellan javier@inc.ucsd.edu
    Arrangements John Staight john@inc.ucsd.edu

    International Advisory Committee
    C. Jutten, INPG, France
    E. Oja, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
    A. Bell, The Salk Institute, USA
    S. I. Amari, RIKEN, Japan

    Program Committee

    Luis Almeda Hagai Attias
    Jean-Francois Cardoso Andrzej Cichocki
    Seungjin Choi Pierre Comon
    Gustavo Deco Scott Douglas
    Richard Everson Mark Girolami
    Lars Kai Hansen Aapo Hyvärinen
    Juha Karhunen Soo-Young Lee
    Te-Won Lee Michael Lewicki
    Juan Lin Eric Moreau
    Noburo Murata Klaus-Robert Mueller
    J.-P. Nadal Klaus Obermayer
    Bruno Olshausen Ding-Tu Pham
    Barak Pearlmutter Jose Principe
    Juergen Schmidhuber Kari Torrkola

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