[UAI] Student Fellowships for BISFAI 2001 (fwd)

From: Prof. Martin Charles Golumbic (golumbic@macs.biu.ac.il)
Date: Thu May 31 2001 - 10:20:16 PDT

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    Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 13:57:58 +0300 (IDT)
    From: Sarit Kraus <sarit@macs.biu.ac.il>

    Subject: Student Fellowships for BISFAI 2001


    We were able to obtain additional funds for supporting
    participation of students and young researchers in BISFAI-01.
    If you have any students or young associates that may be interested please
    ask them to contact: sarit@cs.biu.ac.il

    Best regards,


                       Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel
                                 Tentative Program
                                  June 25-27, 2001

    Monday Morning: LEARNING

       * Manevitz, Bitar & Givoli, Neural Network Time Series Forecasting of
         finite-Element Mesh Adaptation
       * Rosen & Shimony, Learning Rule-based Local Structure in Probability

                                    Coffee Break

       * Invited speaker: Doug Lenat

                                    Coffee Break

       * Bekkerman, El-Yaniv, Tishby & Winter, On feature distributional
         clustering for text categorization
       * Ratsaby, Meeting the Challenges of e-Business by Distributed
         Artificial Intelligence

                                     Lunch Break

    Monday Afternoon: FORMAL METHODS

       * Invited speaker: Moshe Vardi, Logic and Automata in Automated

       * Avin & Ben-Eliyahu-Zohary, Algorithms for Computing X-minimal Models
       * Manevitz & Marom, The Emergence of Time from Structure in Models of
         Neuronal Activity

                                    Coffee Break

       * Hayrapetyan & Verma, On the Complexity of Confluence for Ground
         Rewrite Systems
       * Beffara, Bournez, Kacem & Kirchner, Verification of timed automata
         using rewrite rules and strategies
       * Bonollo, van der Meyden & Sonenberg, Knowledge based specification:
         investigating distributed mutual exclusion

    Tuesday Morning: NATURAL LANGUAGE

       * Invited speaker: Oliviero Stock

       * Feinstein & Friedman, Dynamic Bayesian Network Based Text

                                    Coffee Break

       * Elhadad, Netzer, Barzilay & McKeown, Ordering Circumstantials for
         Multi-Document Summarization
       * Carenini & Vanocchi, Managing documents through the BRAIN technology
       * Nissan, A Formalism for Misantonyms

                                     Lunch Break

    Tuesday Afternoon: KEYNOTE EVENT

       * Keynote speaker: Yaacov Choueka, Languages, Information and
         Intelligence, or Wheels within Wheels: From the Streets of Cairo
         to BISFAI 2001

    Tuesday Evening: BANQUET

       * Guest speaker: Aviezri Frankel

    Wednesday Morning: AGENTS

       * Goldman, Kraus & Shehory, Agent strategies: for sellers to
         satisfy purchase orders, for buyers to select sellers
       * Azoulay-Schwartz & Kraus, Stable strategies for sharing
         information among agents

                                    Coffee Break

       * Invited speaker: Daphne Koller, Learning Probabilistic Models from
         Relational Data

                                    Coffee Break

       * Yarom, Goldman & Rosenschein, Pricing and Manipulation of Information
         in E-Marketplaces
       * Shehory & Sturm, Evaluation of Modeling Techniques for Agent-Based

                                     Lunch Break

    Wednesday Afternoon: SEARCH

       * Invited speaker: Jieh Hsiang

       * Domshlak, Brafman & Shimony, Preference-based configuration of
         web page content

                                    Coffee Break

       * Felner, Finding Optimal Solutions to the Graph-partitioning problem
         with Heuristic Search
       * Harris, Counting Satisfiable k-CNF Formulas

       * System Demo: Belostotski, Kravtsov, Shemshurenko, Sobol, Trahtman &
         Yakov, A package for checking some star-free languages

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