Re: [UAI] Bayes Nets tutorial

From: William H. Hsu (
Date: Tue Jun 05 2001 - 12:41:17 PDT

  • Next message: Adam Robert Hunter: "Re: [UAI] Bayes Nets tutorial"

    Hi, Alex,

        The tutorial program I usually give students consists of
    the following:

    1. Beginner-level (undergrads, non-CS or non-probabilist):
            Breese and Koller's AAAI-97 tutorial
            Charniak's "Bayesian Networks Without Tears", AI Magazine 1991
            Cheeseman's "In Defense of Probability", IJCAI 1985
            Pearl's "Reasoning Under Uncertainty", Annual Review of CS 1990 (?)
        Survey web sites
            Kansas State University KDD Lab's Bayesian Network Tools Group
        Software tools
            Hugin (good place to start trying out BN tools)
            Bayesware (Discoverer, formerly BKD)

    2. Intermediate (undergrads and grads):
            Murphy's tutorial
            UAI All-Day Course on UR (hard copy)
            Neapolitan (Ch. 1-2 general; 3, 6, 7 if working on inference)
            Pearl (Ch. 1-2 general, 4 if working on inference; 9 @ other UR)
            Cowell tutorial in Jordan's book
            Cheng and Drudzdel's JAIR paper (stochastic sampling @ inference)
            [Jensen's book would go here, but I *still* haven't been
                able to get a copy...]
        Survey web sites
            Guo's BN survey page
            Santos's BN bibliography
            Khan's BN survey page
        Software tools
            Murphy's BN Toolbox (MATLAB)
            GeNIe (U. Pittsburgh DSL)
            Bayes Online (Welch, Gensym Corp.)

    3. Advanced (grads in AI/learning/KDD courses):
            Friedman and Goldszmidt's AAAI-98 tutorial
                (if working on learning)
            Heckerman's tutorial
            Castillo, Gutierrez, and Hadi
            Cowell et al
            Buntine's tutorial (as a general survey)
            Heckerman's MS-TR-96-05 (as you listed below; only for learning)
        Software tools
            JavaBayes (Cozman's group)

    4. Specialized
        Talks (KDD interest)
            [anything at AAAI, IJCAI, or UAI on topic of interest @
                learning / inference / decision theory / real-time applications]
            [usually some seminar-of-the-month on BNs @ KSU-CIS]
        Reading (caveat - slant towards KDD/DM, ANN)
            Frey 1998 (coding theoretic issues, MCMC methods)
            Neal 1996 (MCMC methods)
            Lauritzen and Spiegelhalter 1998 (exact inference)
            Dagum and Luby (forward sampling / bounded variance)
            Friedman and Yakhini (sample complexity / COLT of BNs)
            Heckerman's MS-TR-96-05 (as you listed below; only for learning)
            Fung and del Favero 1994 (backward simulation)
            Shachter and Peot 1990 (importance sampling - SIS/HIS)
            [other tutorials in Jordan's book]

    Hope this helps,

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Alexander Dekhtyar" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 5:34 PM
    Subject: [UAI] Bayes Nets tutorial

    > Dear Colleagues,
    > I am putting together a reading list for a student whose research
    > will deal, in part, with Bayesian Nets.
    > I would like to be able to include a short/medium-size tutorial
    > that would describe the basic concepts of Bayesian Nets. However,
    > at this point, I cannot find any resource that would fit this profile.
    > Current options I am aware of are either Judea Pearl's book or
    > 1-2 page "Background" sections of various papers. The only other
    > alternative is Heckerman's "Learning with Bayes Nets" tutorial, which
    > does not seem to be fitting, because we are not interested in
    > learning Bayes Nets.
    > I am wondering if you'd be able to point me at something in between.
    > Thank you in advance.
    > - --
    > - -------------------------------X----------------------------------
    > Alexander Dekhtyar (859) 257 3062 (phone)
    > Assistant Professor (859) 323 1971 (fax)
    > Department of Computer Science University of Kentucky
    > - -------------------------------X----------------------------------

     William H. Hsu, Ph.D.
     Assistant Professor of CIS, Kansas State University
     Research Scientist, Automated Learning Group, NCSA, ICQ: 28651394

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