[UAI] Bayes Nets tutorial

From: Russ Greiner (greiner@cs.ualberta.ca)
Date: Tue Jun 05 2001 - 12:39:59 PDT

  • Next message: William H. Hsu: "Re: [UAI] Bayes Nets tutorial"

    Hello Alexander,

    > I am putting together a reading list for a student whose research
    > will deal, in part, with Bayesian Nets.
    > I would like to be able to include a short/medium-size tutorial
    > that would describe the basic concepts of Bayesian Nets. However,
    > at this point, I cannot find any resource that would fit this profile.
    > Current options I am aware of are either Judea Pearl's book or
    > 1-2 page "Background" sections of various papers. The only other
    > alternative is Heckerman's "Learning with Bayes Nets" tutorial, which
    > does not seem to be fitting, because we are not interested in
    > learning Bayes Nets.

    For an excellent interactive tutorial, try

    There are also a set of tutorial listed under

    Finally, I have assembled a set of pointers under

    Hope this helps.


    | R Greiner Phone: (780) 492-5461 |
    | Dep't of Computing Science FAX: (780) 492-1071 |
    | University of Alberta Email: greiner@cs.ualberta.ca |
    | Edmonton, AB T6G 2E8 Canada http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~greiner/ |

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