Re: [UAI] Bayes Nets tutorial

From: Finn Verner Jensen (
Date: Tue Jun 05 2001 - 15:25:41 PDT

  • Next message: AMT 2001 Secretariat: "[UAI] AMT01 paper submission extended"

    Bob Welch wrote:

    > Alex:
    > Try Finn Jensen's Introduction to Bayesian Networks, UCL Press, London, 1996
    > or Robert Cowell's chapters in Learning in Graphical Models by Michael
    > Jordan, MIT Press, 1999.

    Unfortunately, my book is out of print, and the British publisher will not
    reprint. So, a new book is on its way, "Bayesian Networks and Decision Graphs".
    Published by Springer-Verlag, New York. It is planned to be out by August this


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