[UAI] Latest BISFAI-01 info

From: Ariel J. Frank (ariel@macs.biu.ac.il)
Date: Sun Jun 10 2001 - 08:40:51 PDT

  • Next message: ICSC-NAISO: "[UAI] Second call for papers ICAIS 2002"
  • Next message: Haiqin Wang: "[UAI] sensitivity of approximation inference"

    Shalom/Hello. For the latest BISFAI-01 (Bar-Ilan Symposium on
    Foundation of AI) please see


        Ariel J. Frank
        Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
        Faculty of Exact Sciences
        Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel 52900
        Tel: (972-3-) 5317780, Fax: (972-3-) 5353325
        E-mail: ariel@cs.biu.ac.il

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