[UAI] Second call for papers ICAIS 2002

From: ICSC-NAISO (cfp@ITStransnational.com)
Date: Mon Jun 11 2001 - 13:44:11 PDT

  • Next message: Denver Dash: "[UAI] learning HMM structure"


    ICAIS 2002
    First International ICSC Congress on
    Autonomous Intelligent Systems
    Deakin University,
    Waterfront Campus
    Geelong, Australia
    12 - 15 February 2002


    General information
    Autonomous intelligent systems can be described as intelligent
    entities that are capable of independent action in dynamic,
    unpredictable environments. This is a very fast growing research area
    attracting the attention of many researchers around the globe. The aim
    of the International Congress on Autonomous Intelligent Systems (ICAIS)
    is to bring the researchers, system developers and users both from
    industry and academia together to exchange their views and receive the
    very latest information on the on-going research and development. This
    will be carried out through a series of keynote addresses, technical
    sessions, workshops and exhibitions.

    Organizing committee
    Honorary General Chair
    Dr. Charles R. Weisbin
    General Chair
    Professor Saeid Nahavandi
    Deakin University, Australia

    Co-Chair (Asia)
    Professor T. Fukuda
    Nagoya University, Japan
    Co-Chair (USA)
    Dr. Shawn Toumodge
    Raytheon Systems Co., USA
    Co-Chair (Europe)
    Professor Paolo Dario
    ARTS Lab, Italy
    Tutorial/Workshop Chair
    Dr. Uwe Zimmer
    The Australian National University
    Canberra, Australia
    Administration and Finance
    ICSC-NAISO Operating Division The Netherlands

    Local organizing committee members
    Abbas Kouzani (Chair)
    Matthew Joordens
    Dejan Djukic
    Lingxue Kong
    Hieu Trinh
    Jingxin Zhang
    Saeid Nahavandi
    The International Congress on Autonomous Intelligent Systems welcomes
    submissions of original and high quality papers. Accepted papers will be
    formally published in the ICSC Journal of Autonomous Systems.

    Congress topics
    Technical issues to be addressed include, but are not restricted to:
    Evolution of Agents
    Agent-Based Software Engineering
    Distributed Architecture For Mobile Navigation
    Autonomous Robots
    Autonomous Mobile Robots
    Path Planning And Obstacle Avoidance With Nonholonomic Robots
    Cooperative Autonomous Robots For Hazardous Environments
    Fault-Tolerant Algorithms And Architectures For Robotics
    Adaptive Path Planning
    Intelligent Navigation and Guidance
    Design and Control of Autonomous Underwater Robots
    A Control Architecture For An Autonomous Mobile Robot
    Action Selection and Planning
    Adaptation and Learning
    Agent Architectures
    Agent Communication Languages
    Artificial Market Systems and Electronic Commerce
    Designing Agent Systems Expert Assistants Fusion of Sensory Systems
    Real Time Vision
    Distributed Systems
    Multi-Agent Systems
    Machine Learning
    Intelligent Manufacturing
    Integration And Coordination Of Multiple Activities
    Knowledge Acquisition And Management
    Modeling The Behavior Of Agents
    Models Of Emotion, Motivation, Or Personality
    Multi-Agent Teams
    Multi-Agent Communication, Coordination, And Collaboration
    Multi-Agent Simulation, Verification, And Validation
    Evolutionary Computing
    Data Mining
    Bayesian and Belief Information Fusion
    Fusion Applications to Management
    Fusion Applications to Situation Assessment
    Diagnostic Information Fusion
    Data Fusion Evaluation and Test Beds
    Management / Business Information Fusion
    Image Fusion / Exploitation
    Target Recognition / Tracking / Identification` Discrimination
    Machine Vision

    International technical committee [itc]
    Abachi H. Monash University, Australia
    Adeli H. The Ohio State University, USA
    Aleksander I. Imperial College of Science & Technology London, UK
    Apte Chid IBM Watson Research Center, USA
    Arkin R. Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
    Bazargan M. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, USA
    Billingsley J. University of Southern Queensland, Australia
    Alberto Broggi University of Pavia/Parma, Italy
    Brugali D. Politecnico di Torino, Italy
    Choset H. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA
    Dario P. ARTS Lab, Italy
    Di Febbraro Angela Politecnico di Torino, Italy
    Durrant-White H.F. University of Syndey, Australia
    Erkman E. Middle East Technical University, Turkey
    Fiorini P. California Institute of Technology, USA
    Fukuda T. Nagoya University, Japan
    Hewit J. University of Dundee, UK
    Holland O. California Institute of Technology, USA
    Jarvis Ray Monash University, Australia
    Kasabov Nik University of Otago, New Zealand
    Khosla P. Carnegie Mellon University, USA
    Koivo A. Purdue University, USA
    Kosuge K. Tohoku University, Japan
    Kozlowski Chr. Poznan University of Technology, Poland
    Lee K.-M. Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
    Luo R. National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan, ROC
    Mamdani E. Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, U.K.
    Marichal G.N. La Laguna University Tenerife, Spain
    Maynard C. Curtin University of Technology, Australia
    Miller D. University of Oklahoma, USA
    Moore P. De Montfort University, UK
    Naghdy F. University of Wollongong, Australia
    Nemes L. CSIRO, Australia
    Nguyen Ch. Catholic University of America, USA
    Ogihara M. Rochester Institute of Technology, NY, USA
    Papanikolopoulos N. University of Minnesota, USA
    Prassier E. University of Ulm, Germany
    Saadat M. University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
    Schenker P. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
    Sebaaly Milad American University of Dubai, U.A.E.
    Shirinzadeh Bijan. Monash University, Australia
    Sobh T. M. University of Bridgeport, USA
    Szczerbicki E. University of Newcastle, Australia
    Tarn T.J. Washington University, USA
    Huaglori Tianfield Gloucestershire Business School, UK
    Trevelyan J. University of Western Australia, Australia
    Webb G. Deakin University, Australia
    Yuh J. University of Hawaii, USA
    Zaki Mohammed J. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
    Zelinky A. Australian National University, Australia
    Zimmermann H. J. Aachen, Germany

    - - Deakin University, Australia
    - - IEEE, The Institue of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
    - - IEE, Institution of Electrical Engineers
    - - The Institution of Engineers, Australia
    - - ICSC- NAISO

    Scientific program
    ICAIS 2002 will include invited plenary talks, contributed sessions,
    invited sessions, workshops and tutorials. Updated information available
    on ICAIS home page

    Call for invited sessions
    The organization of invited sessions is encouraged. Prospective
    organizers are requested to send a session proposal - consisting of
    4-5 invited papers - to the general chair and respective area co-chair.
    Invited sessions should preferably start with the title and the purpose
    of the session and a tutorial paper. The registration fee of the session
    organizer will be waived, if at least 4 authors of invited papers
    register to the conference.

    Poster presentations
    Poster presentations are encouraged for people who wish to receive peer
    feedback, and practical examples of applied research are
    particularly welcome. Poster sessions will allow the presentation and
    discussion of respective papers, which will also be included in the
    conference proceedings.

    Call for workshops, tutorials,
    and other contributions
    Several workshops/tutorials are planned for ICAIS 2002. Each
    workshop/tutorial will focus on a particular topic, and consist of
    several presentations and open discussions. The proposal for a
    workshop/tutorial should include the title, topics covered, proposed
    speakers, targeted audiences, and estimated length (hours) of the
    workshop/tutorial. The proposal should be submitted to the general chair
    and respective area co-chair by July 31, 2001

    Submission of papers
    Submission of papers can be done through our web site.
    If you submit a paper you will receive a notification e-mail with your
    paper number. Please use this reference number in the subject line in
    all correspondence and send us a draft paper by email for review by the
    International Program Committee. Please do not send us any hard copies.
    Please check our website for further instructions.

    Important dates
    Submission Deadline: July 31, 2001 (Extended)
    Notification of Acceptance: October 15, 2001 (Extended)
    Delivery of Manuscripts: November 30, 2001
    Conference: February 12 - 15, 2002

    General chair of ICAIS`2002
    Professor Saeid Nahavandi
    Deakin University
    Waurn Ponds Campus
    Geelong 3217, Australia
    email: nahavand@deakin.edu.au

    Congress organizer
    ICSC- NAISO The Netherlands (Operating Division)
    P.O. Box 1091
    3360 BB Sliedrecht
    The Netherlands
    Phone: +31-184-496999
    Fax: +31-184-421065
    Email: icais02@ITStransnational.com (ICAIS`2002 Congress)

    General information:
    operating@ITStransnational.com (Operating Division)
    planning@icsc.ab.ca (Planning Division)

    If you wish to be added/removed from this mailing list, please send an
    email to: naiso@itstransnational.com <mailto:naiso@itstransnational.com>

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