[UAI] CFP: Workshop on computational logic in multi-agent systems (CLIMA-01)

From: Ken Satoh (ksatoh@nii.ac.jp)
Date: Thu Jun 14 2001 - 10:08:01 PDT

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       ICLP'01 Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems
                           December 1st, 2001
              Coral Beach Hotel and Resort, Paphos, Cyprus

    in association with ICLP'01 (Nov 26th -- Dec 1st, 2001)

    Papers Due on: August 25th, 2001

    Purpose of the Workshop

    Multi-agent systems (MAS) have become an increasingly important area
    of research, not least because of the advances in the Internet and
    Robotics. However multi-agent systems can become very complicated,
    and, consequently, reasoning about the behaviour of such systems can
    become extremely difficult. Therefore, it is important to be able to
    formalise multi-agent systems and, to do so in such a way that allows
    automated reasoning about agents' behaviour. The purpose of this
    workshop is to present techniques, based on computational logic (CL),
    for reasoning about multi-agent systems in a formal way. This is
    clearly a major and exciting challenge for computational logic. We
    have to develop techniques to deal with real world issues and

    In 1999, the ICLP'99 Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems in Logic
    Programming was held and constituted the first in this series. It was
    followed by CLIMA-00 at CL2000, where we had eight presentations of
    papers and two discussion sessions. Following the workshop, we
    announced a special issue of the Annals of Math and AI and we
    especially invited all accepted papers of CLIMA-00 for submission to
    this issue. We got over 20 submissions and the issue will appear late
    in 2001 or early in 2002. We are planning to continue this series of
    workshops in the following years in order to foster interaction
    between the multi-agent and the computational logic communities.

    Submission Details

    We solicit unpublished papers that address CL-related formal
    approaches to multi-agent systems. The approaches as well as being
    formal must make a significant contribution to the practice of
    multi-agent systems. Relevant techniques include the following (but
    are not limited to):

      Nonmonotonic reasoning in MAS
      Planning in MAS
      Adaptability and learning in MAS
      Knowledge representation in MAS
      Temporal reasoning in MAS
      Negotiation, co-operation, competition and communication in MAS
      Verification of MAS
      Decision theory for MAS
      Distributed problem solving in MAS
      Significant applications of MAS

    We are expecting full papers to describe original, previously
    unpublished research, be written in English, not exceed 12 pages (A4
    or letter format, up to 4000 words), and not be simultaneously
    submitted for publication elsewhere.

    We also require the following issues to be adressed:

          1. CL: An introduction that includes statements about how the paper
                 addresses the exploitation of CL for MAS
          2. MAS : An explanation of which aspect/functionality of MAS the paper
          3. Examples: Example(s) which give an intuitive motivation and
                       explanation of the formalisation.

    We are also planning to have a demonstration session where authors can
    present their implemented systems. Authors who would like to give a
    demonstration, should submit a 2 page abstract for a description of
    their systems. Please submit a PostScript file or a PDF file of a
    paper to dix@cs.man.ac.uk by the 25th of August, 2001.

    It is the author's responsibility to ensure that the PostScript file
    or PDF file is printable (and can be ftped if the author provides an
    address for ftp).


    Workshop proceedings will be available at ICLP'01. We are also
    considering on-line proceedings. Depending on the quality of the
    papers at the workshop, we are planning to go for another special
    issue of some journal.

    Papers Due on: August 25, 2001
    Author Notification: September 20, 2001
    Final version Due on: October 10, 2001
    Workshop: December 1, 2001

    Registration Policy

    Note that the workshop registration will require the ICLP conference

    Workshop Co-chairs

    Ken Satoh, National Institute for Informatics, Japan
    Juergen Dix, The University of Manchester, UK

    Programme Committee

    Massimo Benerecetti, Universita di Napoli ``Federico II'', Italy
    Gerhard Brewka, University of Leipzig, Germany
    Thomas Eiter, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
    Michael Fisher, University of Liverpool, UK
    Katsumi Inoue, Kobe University, Japan
    Leora Morgenstern, IBM TJ Watson Research Center, USA
    Akihiko Ohsuga, Toshiba, Japan
    Luis Moniz Pereira, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
    Henry Prakken, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
    Cees Witteveen, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

    Home page of CLIMA: http://research.nii.ac.jp/~ksatoh/clima01.html

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