Re: [UAI] learning HMM structure

From: Murat Deviren (
Date: Thu Jun 14 2001 - 10:09:03 PDT

  • Next message: Cecil Schmidt: "KDD Cup 2001"

    Learning the structure of HMMs can be handled using the framework of Dynamic
    Bayesian networks (DBNs) . Smyth97 is a good reference to see that an HMM is
    a specific example in this framework. Friedman98a and the references within
    discuss the general learning algorithms and scoring metrics for DBNs. In our
    recent work we are using the DBN setting to learn the structure of HMMs for
    speech recognition tasks. Initial results will be published in Eurospeech

      author = {Padraic Smyth and David Heckerman and Michael I. Jordan},
      title = {Probabilistic Independence Networks for Hidden Markov Probability
      journal = {Neural Computation},
      year = {1997},
      volume = {9},
      number = {2},
      pages = {227--269},

      author = {Nir Friedman and Kevin Murphy and Stuart Russell},
      title = {Learning the Structure of Dynamic Probabilistic Networks},
      booktitle = {UAI'98},
      year = {1998},
        address = {Madison, Wisconsin},

    Best Regards,

    Murat Deviren
    15, rue du Jardin Botanique - B.P. 101
    54602 Villers-les-Nancy FRANCE

    Denver Dash wrote:

    > Hi,
    > Can anybody point me to some references for learning the structure of =
    > Markov chains and Hidden Markov Models from data?
    > Also of interest would be some standard references discussing metrics or =
    > scoring functions for HMMs.
    > Thanks,
    > Denver.
    > --

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