[UAI] How to estimate the parameters of a Noisy-or belief Network?

From: ruan tong (ruan@otcaix.iscas.ac.cn)
Date: Wed Jul 04 2001 - 19:52:41 PDT

  • Next message: Alessandro Armando: "[UAI] CFP: FroCoS'2002"

            I use Noisy-or belief network in information filtering. But I do
    know how to estimate the paramter (Namely, Cij)from data. Futhmore, there
    are hidden variables in the network, I do not know how to deal with them.
    Maybe EM algorithm is workable.
            I wonder general methods of parameter estimation in belief network
    can apply to Noisy-or model, or there are may-be good methods for
    simplified networks.
            Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


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