[UAI] Second CfP: AC2001 - The Thirteenth Amsterdam Colloquium

From: Rosja Mastop (r.mastop@hum.uva.nl)
Date: Wed Jul 18 2001 - 12:22:33 PDT

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            AC2001 - The Thirteenth Amsterdam Colloquium - December 17-19, 2001

                             Second Call for Papers

    The Thirteenth Amsterdam Colloquium will be held from December 17-19, 2001
    at the Universiteit van Amsterdam. The Amsterdam Colloquia aim at bringing
    together linguists, logicians, philosophers and computer scientists who
    share an interest in the formal study of semantics of natural and formal
    languages. The spectrum of topics covered ranges from descriptive (semantic
    analyses of all kinds of expressions) to theoretical (logical and
    computational properties of semantic theories, philosophical foundations).

    The program of the Thirteenth Amsterdam Colloquium consists of:

    * General Program, which includes invited lectures by:
      Reinhard Blutner (Berlin) - Gennaro Chierchia (Milan)- Ruth Kempson
    (London) -
      Angelika Kratzer (Amherst)

    * Workshop on Semantics and Cognition, with invited lectures by:
      Ted Briscoe (Cambridge) - Simon Garrod (Glasgow)- Jonathan Ginzburg
      Pieter Muyskens (Nijmegen) - Luc Steels (Antwerp)

    * Workshop on Games in Language and Logic, which includes an invited
    lecture by:
      Rohit Parikh (CUNY) - Robert Stalnaker (MIT) - Robert Sugden (East Anglia)

    * A special evening session, organized by the Evert W. Beth Foundation,
    which features the Beth Lecture given by:
      Hans Kamp (Stuttgart)

    In the General Program there is room for presentations of approx. 30
    contributed papers in parallel sessions. These papers can be on any topic
    within the
    scope of the Colloquium. Time allotted for presentation is 30 minutes,
    including discussion.

    Submission of abstracts

    Your submission should consist of:

    1. An anonymous abstract of two pages (1000 words max). The abstract
    must include a short 10 line summary, which clearly indicates subject
    matter and conclusions of your contribution.

    2 A separate page on which are specified: your name, affiliation, postal
    address, e-mail address and the title of your contribution. (It should
    contain the same data for co-authors, if any.)

    Submission by e-mail is encouraged, provided that the abstract and summary,
    and the personal details page are sent as separate attachments in either
    postscript, pdf or Word format. Submissions in other file formats can not
    be accepted.
    The deadline for submission of abstracts is September 1, 2001. Authors
    will be notified of acceptance by October 15. Extended 6 page abstracts, to
    be included in the proceedings, are due on November 15. The proceedings
    will be distributed at the conference.
    Multiple submissions are admitted, but no single author is allowed to give
    more than one presentation. In case authors are involved in more than one
    submission, one or more of which are co-authored, it should be indicated
    clearly which author is actually going to give the presentation. Program

    All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by the AC2001 Program
    Committee, which consists of:
     Renate Bartsch (Amsterdam) - Johan van Benthem (Amsterdam) - Reinhard
    Blutner (Berlin)-
     Gennaro Chierchia (Milan) - Jeroen Groenendijk (Amsterdam) - Angelika
    Kratzer (Amherst) -
     Ruth Kempson (London) -Frank Veltman (Amsterdam)

    Important Dates

    June 1: Second Call for papers
    September 1: Deadline for submissions
    October 15: Notification of acceptance
    November 15: Deadline for proceedings
    December 17-19: Thirteenth Amsterdam Colloquium


    The Amsterdam Colloquia are organized every two years under the auspices of
    the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) of the
    Universiteit van Amsterdam. The organizing committee of the Thirteenth
    Amsterdam Colloquium consists of: Robert van Rooy, Martin Stokhof, Rosja


    For further information, contact:
    Organizing Committee Thirteenth Amsterdam Colloquium
    ILLC/Department of Philosophy, Universiteit van Amsterdam
    Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, 1012 CP Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    phone:+31 20 5254531, fax: +31 20 5254503
    website: www.illc.uva.nl/ac2001/
    e-mail: ac2001@wins.uva.nl

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