Re: [UAI] Definition of Bayesian network

From: Kathryn Blackmond Laskey (
Date: Mon Jul 30 2001 - 16:50:22 PDT

  • Next message: Simon Parsons: "Call for Participation -- Adventures in Argumentation"


    >As a general remark on some of the discussions on probability theory
    >that recur on the UAI list, I think that it's important to emphasize
    >that probability theory is best viewed as a special case of measure
    >theory, and it's not a conceit of the mathematicians that they settled
    >on the machinery of measurable spaces, random-variables-as-functions
    >and the like. In case you don't believe this, read Section 1 of
    >Billingsley, which will convince you that without measure theory even
    >some elementary results regarding coin-tossing are out of reach.

    I studied measure theory out of Billingsley, and I share Mike's
    enthusiasm for the book as a good intro to the subject. I agree that
    serious study of measure theory is important for any kind of general
    treatment of continuous random variables.

    However, it's worth noting that Phil Dawid, Vladimir Vovk, and Glenn
    Shafer have been working on an alternate formulation of probability
    ("prequential games"), based on agents engaged in sequential games.
    (Shafer and Vovk just published a book which they announced on this
    list.) They have re-proven a bunch of the standard limit theorems
    and other results of probability theory without recourse to measure
    theory. This doesn't make measure theory unimportant -- their theory
    is an alternative viewpoint which reproduces many of the same
    mathematical results (and probably they will reproduce more of them
    as time goes on). Anyone seriously interested in foundational
    issues, or anyone working in areas requiring an understanding of
    subtleties, needs to have a thorough understanding of measure theory.
    Whichever way the foundational debate plays out, measure theory is
    still valid mathematics and will continue to be used to prove
    interesting results. Nevertheless, as an ontology for probability,
    prequential theory is likely to be more palatable than measure theory
    to people who have an affinity for constructivist theories of
    mathematics. Moreover, it has a more natural semantics (IMHO) than
    measure theory. In prequential theory, probability claims (e.g., X1,
    ..., XN are iid draws from distribution P(X)) are evaluated based
    only on actual observed outcomes, rather than on on what would have
    occurred if values other than the observed outcomes had happened. In
    this way, prequential theory is similar in spirit to the likelihood
    principle. A probabilistic claim such as the one above is correct in
    the prequential interpretation if and only if an agent named
    "skeptic" (playing the role of a skeptical scientist who looks for
    flaws in "forecaster's" reasoning) in an appropriately defined
    "prequential game" does not have a strategy that can make him/her
    infinitely rich. It is a theorem that any two "prequential players"
    whose forecasts are "prequentially calibrated" (the prequential
    version of having a long-run limit, which applies even for processes
    having no stationary distribution) will converge to the same
    probability forecasts -- thus providing a constructivist
    interpretation of "objective probability" (actually, I prefer the
    term "intersubjectively verifiable" but the idea is the same).


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