[UAI] Availability of MSBNx from Microsoft Research

From: Carl Kadie (carlk@microsoft.com)
Date: Wed Aug 01 2001 - 12:22:32 PDT

  • Next message: Ian Gent: "[UAI] Formulation and Modelling Workshop at CP 2001"

    On the occasion of the 17th Conference on Uncertainty and Artificial
    Intelligence, the Adaptive Systems & Interaction team at Microsoft
    Research is happy to announce the availability of MSBNx. MSBNx is a
    new, component-based toolkit for Bayesian network modeling and
    inference. The system supports both diagnosis and troubleshooting

    Beyond its operation as a standalone modeling and inference environment,
    MSBNx facilitates the development of applications by providing a set of
    run-time components that provide Bayesian reasoning services when
    integrated into other programs.

    MSBNx, like its ancestor, MSBN32, is available without cost for
    non-commercial research, experimentation, and exploration

    MSBNx runs on recent versions of Windows (Windows98, Windows ME, Windows
    NT, Windows 2000, and Windows XP).

    You can find out more about MSBNx and download the toolkit at:

            We hope that you will find MSBNx valuable.

                    Best regards,

                         The MSBNx Team

    PS: See you at UAI.

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