[UAI] Formulation and Modelling Workshop at CP 2001

From: Ian Gent (ipg@dcs.st-and.ac.uk)
Date: Thu Aug 02 2001 - 07:16:37 PDT

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    If you receive multiple copies of this mail, that suggests it is exactly
    the kind of meeting you should think of going to!

    The following is a text copy of our web page...


               Call for Papers & Participation
               CP2001 Post Conference Workshop
              Modelling and Problem Formulation

    Important Dates
    September 17, 2001 : Submission deadline for workshop papers
    October 1, 2001 : Notification of invitation to attend the workshop.
    December 1, 2001 : CP-2001 workshop

    Call for Papers and Participation
    The choices made in modelling problems as CSPs and subsequently in choosing how
    to solve them are widely recognised as having a major effect on the usefulness
    of constraint programming. The lack of a 'theory of modelling' is also
    recognised as a bottleneck in the practical use of constraint programming
    technology. This workshop will focus on formulation: the representation of
    problem entities as variables and values of a CSP. Topics will include but not
    be limited to the following:

      - What makes a good model.
      - Techniques for automatically generating problem reformulations.
      - Alternative representation of constraints (e.g. binary v. non-binary)
      - Interactions between modelling and search.
      - Case studies comparing alternative models of the same problem.
      - Combining different models into one CSP.
      - Modifying models to improve performance, e.g. addition of implied
      - Symmetry in CSP models.
      - Modelling to improve constraint propagation.
      - Methods for selecting which of several reformulations are best for a given
      - Frameworks that unify and classify reformulation techniques.
      - Theoretical and/or empirical studies of the costs and benefits of
      - Applications of reformulation.

    The workshop will be of interest to constraint programming researchers who are
    applying the technology to real problems and so have been faced with the
    question of how to model the problem and how to solve the resulting model.

    NOTE: to attend the workshop you must be registered for the conference.

    Submission details
    Conference attendees are invited to submit a technical paper (maximum of 8
    pages) or a short statement of interest (1 or 2 pages). Papers must be
    submitted electronically to Patrick Prosser (pat@dcs.gla.ac.uk) no later than
    the 17th of September. The organising committee will select a number of papers
    to be presented, in the hope of producing a stimulating workshop. All papers
    submitted by invited participants will be made available to the workshop
    attendees, and will be placed on the web.


    Barbara Smith
    School of Computing & Maths
    University of Huddersfield
    Huddersfield HD1 3DH
    tel: (+44) 1484 472147
    email: b.m.smith@hud.ac.uk

    Ken Brown
    Department of Computing Science
    University of Aberdeen
    Aberdeen AB24 3UE
    Scotland, UK
    tel: (+44) 1224 272597
    email: kbrown@csd.abdn.ac.uk

    Ian Philip Gent
    School of Computer Science
    University of St Andrews
    St Andrews KY16 9SS
    Scotland, UK
    tel: (+44) 1334 463247
    email: ipg@dcs.st-and.ac.uk

    Patrick Prosser (contact person)
    Computing Science
    Glasgow University
    Glasgow G12 8RZ
    Scotland, UK
    tel: (+44) 1413 304934
    email: pat@dcs.gla.ac.uk

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