[UAI] OpenBayes

From: Kevin Murphy (murphyk@cs.berkeley.edu)
Date: Wed Aug 15 2001 - 07:41:41 PDT

  • Next message: ICSC-NAISO: "[UAI] Second Call For Papers NL2002"

    Richard Dybowski formed the OpenBayes discussion group/email list
    on 17 January 2001. The goal is to discuss the development of an open
    source library for probabilistic graphical models. We had our first
    meeting at the recent UAI conference in Seattle. The only concrete
    decision reached was that we should advertise the existence of this
    group more widely - hence this email.

    For more details on the OpenBayes project, please see
    This page includes a list of people who attended the meeting, more
    details on the project's goals, achievements to date, ways you can
    subscribe to the list and/or contribute code, etc.

    Kevin Murphy

    P.S. If you have problems subscribing to the list, please send email
    to openbayes-owner@egroups.com, not to me! I am not the moderator.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Wed Aug 15 2001 - 07:48:40 PDT