[UAI] Second Call For Papers NL2002

From: ICSC-NAISO (cfp@ITStransnational.com)
Date: Wed Aug 15 2001 - 07:40:47 PDT

  • Next message: Ian Miguel: "[UAI] 2nd CFP: CP2001 Workshops"


    The Second Call for Papers hereafter is aimed at the scientific community
    interested in Networked Learning:

    World Conference
    NL 2002 - Networked Learning in a Global Environment:
    Challenges and Solutions for Virtual Education


    Venue and Date
    May 1 - 4, 2002, Technical University of Berlin, Germany

    Background and Scope
    Telecommunications, computer networks, multimedia technologies, and the
    World Wide Web have opened up entirely new ways of teaching and learning
    ( across institutions, physical locations, countries, continents, and
    time zones. Students may work distributed worldwide and nevertheless
    interact in a virtual community. Academic programs are no longer
    provided by single institutions only but can be established by networked
    organizations like virtual universities or virtual faculties.
    Best-of-breed programs are created in the Internet by bringing together
    top experts from different schools in a virtual program. Powerful
    wireless technologies will accelerate these developments in the future.

    Distance education is no longer a matter of "learning in isolation".
    Collaborative tools like discussion groups, chatrooms,
    videoconferencing, etc. support immediate interaction between students
    and teachers and among students in virtual communities. In-company
    training does not require travelling and physical presence but can be
    done at the workplace. Geographical locations of students and teachers
    loose importance. Education in the 21st century is shifting from "real"
    to "virtual". Physical classes are more and more replaced by virtual
    networks of students and teachers.

    NL 2002 aims to bring together content providers, course developers,
    educators, persons responsible for academic programs or corporate
    education, platform and tools providers, researchers and system
    developers from academia and industry to exchange their ideas and
    experiences, to share the best practices and to foster further
    development in networked learning.

    Sponsors of NL 2002

    Virtual Global University for Worldwide Education

    Counsil of European Professional Informatics Societies

    Gesellschaft für Informatik E.V.

    Technical University of Berlin, Germany

    European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)


    Conference Topics
    The conference focuses on technological and organizational aspects of
    networked learning and teaching. Topics include, but are not restricted

    Organization of networked learning
    * Virtual universities and networked e-learning organizations
    * Corporate virtual universities, in-company training in distributed
    * Integrated e-learning systems, portals, marketplaces, and providers
    * New academic programs by virtual organizations and cooperation
    * E-learning for business professionals
    * Open source initiatives for e-learning
    * Pricing and business models for virtual distance learning
    * Success stories and pitfalls in e-learning

    * Enabling technologies for networked learning: telecommunications and
    computer networks
    * Internet suited multimedia technologies: Audio and video streaming
    etc., learning on demand
    * Mobile learning: Wireless technologies, UMTS, GPRS, WAP
    * Leading edge and emerging technologies: Virtual reality, software
    agents, artificial intelligence tools
    * Integration of collaborative tools: Discussion groups, chatrooms,
    whiteboards, shared workspaces, e-mail, videoconferencing
    * Virtual classrooms for worldwide classes, virtual learning communities
    * Virtual management games
    * Quality assurance for virtual education

    Content production and delivery
    * Architectures and platforms for distributed teaching and learning
    * Multimedia production tools, authoring tools, delivery tools
    * E-learning life cycle models

    * The role of traditional educational institutions in global virtual
    * Cross-cultural learning
    * Networked learning and developing countries
    * Legal aspects and security of networked learning

    Contributions describing novel approaches to networked learning,
    practical experience, best practices, and cutting-edge future
    developments are encouraged.

    Conference Organization

    Honorary Chair:
    Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hermann Maurer
    Chief Scientist of KNOW
    Head of IICM and HMS
    Graz University of Technology
    Austria hmaurer@iicm.edu

    General Co-Chairs:
    Karl Kurbel
    Europe University, Germany

    Hermann Krallmann
    Technical University of Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
    Berlin, Germany

    Program Chair:
    Wolffried Stucky
    University of Karlsruhe, Germany

    Regional Chair America:
    Thomas Hilton
    Utah State University, USA
    Regional Chair Asia-Pacific:
    Saeid Nahavandi
    Deakin University Geelong, Australia

    Regional Chair Europe:
    Peter Gerard
    KarstadtQuelle AG
    Essen, Germany

    Local Committee Chair:
    Marten Schoenherr
    Technical University of Berlin, Germany

    Conference Organizer:
    ICSC/NAISO The Netherlands (Operating Division)
    P.O. Box 1091
    3360 BB Sliedrecht
    The Netherlands
    Phone: +31-184-496999, Fax: +31-184-421065
    Email: nl2002@ITStransnational.com

    International Program Committee
    * Abramowicz, Witold, Poznan University of Economics, Poland
    * Aggarwal, Anil, University of Baltimore, USA
    * Ayala, Gerardo, Universidad de las Américas-Puebla, Mexico
    * Becker, Joerg, University of Muenster, Germany
    * Beuschel, Werner, University of Applied Sciences Brandenburg, Germany
    * Bodendorf, Freimut, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
    * Bourdeau, Jacqueline, Centre de recherche LICEF, Télé-université
    Montréal, Canada
    * De Marco, Marco, Università Cattolica Milano, Italy
    * Doukidis, Georgios, Athens University of Economics and Business
    (AUEB), Greece
    * Eicker, Stefan, University of Essen, Germany
    * Euler, Dieter, University of St. Gallen HSG, Switzerland
    * Hars, Alexander, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA
    * Jantzen, Jan, Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
    * Jayaram, Narayana, University of North London, U.K.
    * Karagiannis, Dimitris, University of Vienna, Austria
    * Kashihara, Akihiro, I.S.I.R., Osaka University, Japan
    * Keyvan, Shahla, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, USA
    * Kinshuk Dr., Massey University Palmerston North, New Zealand
    * Klein, Michel, HEC School of Management Jouy-en-Josas, France
    * Knolmayer, Gerhard, University of Bern, Switzerland
    * Krallmann, Hermann, Technical University of Berlin, Germany
    * Kurbel, Karl, Europe University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
    * Kurfess, Franz, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis
    Obispo, USA
    * Lesjak, Dusan, University of Maribor, Slovenia
    * Maire, Frederic, Queensland University of Technology Brisbane,
    * Nahavandi, Saeid, Deakin University Geelong, Australia
    * Neumann, Gustaf, Vienna University of Economics and Business
    Administration, Austria
    * Nicholls, Howard, Alchemy Group Ltd, Christchurch, New Zealand
    * Nord, Daryl, Oklahoma State University, USA
    * Oberweis, Andreas, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe University Frankfurt,
    * Ogata, Hiroaki, Tokushima University, Japan
    * Pernul, Guenther, University of Essen, Germany
    * Pham, Hanh, State University of New York at New Paltz, USA
    * Rada, Roy, University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA
    * Rautenstrauch, Claus, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
    * Riis, Jens O., Aalborg University, Denmark
    * Roeck, Hans, University of Rostock, Germany
    * Rolstadas, Asbjoern, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
    Trondheim, Norway
    * Sandulescu, Gheorghe M., IPA SA, Research Institute, Bucharest,
    * Scholz-Reiter, Bernd, BIBA, University of Bremen, Germany
    * Sebaaly, Milad Fares, American University in Dubai, United Arab
    * Stickel, Eberhard, Europe University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder),
    * Stucky, Wolffried, University of Karlsruhe, Germany (Chair)
    * Swain, Philip, Purdue University West Lafayette, USA
    * Szczepaniak, Piotr S., Technical University of Lodz, Poland
    * Szczerbicki, Edward, University of Newcastle, Australia
    * Taudes, Alfred, Vienna University of Economics and Business
    Administration, Austria
    * Turowski, Klaus, University of the Federal Armed Forces, Munich,
    * Unland, Rainer, University of Essen, Germany
    * Ustimenko, Vasyl, University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji Islands
    * Valenti, Salvatore, University of Ancona, Italy
    * Winter, Robert, University of St. Gallen HSG, Switzerland

    Important Dates
    - - Submission deadline: September 20, 2001
    - - Notification of acceptance: December 15, 2001
    - - Final manuscripts: January 31, 2002

    NL 2002 will include technical sessions as well as special events, such
    as keynote presentations, invited plenary talks, tutorials, workshops,
    panels, and exhibition.

    Regular Papers
    Prospective authors are requested to submit a paper of max. 7 pages to
    the address below (conference organizer). All papers must be written in
    English, starting with a succinct statement of the problem, the results
    achieved, their significance and a comparison with previous work.

    Poster Presentations
    Poster presentations are encouraged for people who wish to receive peer
    feedback for their work. Practical examples of applied research are
    particularly welcome. Papers discussing the respective posters will be
    included in the conference proceedings. (max 4 pages)

    Proposals for panels should include a concise outline of the topics to
    be addressed (2-3 pages) and list the panel members and their

    Proposals for workshops are encouraged. However, workshops should be
    clearly distinct from paper sessions, focussing on experimental work,
    hands-on experience, case studies, games, interactive exercises, and
    open discussions. Proposals should include a concise outline of the
    nature of the workshop and the expected outcome (2-3 pages).

    Proposals for half-day tutorials (three hours) should clearly indicate
    the topic, background knowledge expected of the participants,
    objectives, time allocations for the major course topics, and the
    qualifications of the instructor(s).

    NL 2002 will be accompanied by a professional exhibition. Interested
    organisations are requested to contact the conference organizers (see

    Submission of papers can be done through our web site.
    Submissions have to be in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), Postscript (.ps), or MS
    Word (.doc) format.
    Submissions must be written in English, starting with a succinct
    statement of the problem, the results achieved, their significance and a
    comparison with previous work, as well as a list of references.
    Submissions can be draft papers or extended abstracts with a minimum of
    4 pages.

    Contributions are welcome from those working in the industry as well as
    from academics.


    If you wish to be added or removed form this mailing list, please reply to this email with the subject ADD or REMOVE.
    For any questions concerning the conference, we refer to our website or please send an email to nl2002@global-conf.org

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