[UAI] Seminar on causal inference

From: Judea Pearl (judea@cs.ucla.edu)
Date: Tue Sep 04 2001 - 10:24:03 PDT

  • Next message: Estevam Rafael Hruschka Junior: "[UAI] RoC and BNC formats"

    Dear friends in UAI,
    Some of you may be interested in the 2-day seminar
    on Causal Inference (below) that I plan to offer
    (with S. Greenland) at UCLA, in January. The material will be
    roughly the same as that covered in my tutorial at
    UAI-2001, except that I will now have two days, instead
    of 1.5 hour, to discuss related technical/methodological points
    and to answer the many questions you probably wished to ask.

    General information is given in the announcement below,
    For more details, send an E-mail to StatLit@mn.rr.com.

    Hoping to answer all your questions in January,

    -------------------------Announcement --------------

    Judea Pearl and Sander Greenland Two-Day Seminar at UCLA on Statistical
    Associations and Causal Connections, January 10-11, 2002

    This conference is sponsored by the UCLA Department of Statistics and by
    the Statistical Literacy Project, funded by the W. M. Keck Foundation.
    It will focus on causal inference in statistically-based
    sciences. Dr. Pearl will discuss the Renaissance that is taking place in
    using statistical associations to provide evidence for causal connections.
    He will demonstrate how simple mathematical tools can be used for this
    task, and will provide a gentle introduction to applying his methods in
    various fields including business, epidemiology, social sciences and
    economics. Special emphasis will be placed on the paradigmatic shifts that
    must be undertaken in moving from traditional statistical analysis to
    causal analysis of multivariate data and on the assumptions that underlie
    all causal inferences. Dr. Sander Greenland will present his experience in
    teaching this material. To request additional information be sent to you
    by E-mail when available (including a web link for additional information),
    send an E-mail to StatLit@mn.rr.com.

    Dr. Judea Pearl is Professor of Computer Science and Statistics
    at UCLA, and the author of "Causality" (Cambridge University Press,

    Dr. Sander Greenland,
    Professor in the Department of Epidemiology, teaches "Logic, Causation
    and Probability" and "Statistical Modeling in Epidemiology".
    He is a Fellow of the ASA and a co-author (with K. Rothman)
    of "Modern Epidemiology" (1998).

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