[UAI] AAAI Symposium on Anchoring: Call for participation + travel grants

From: Silvia Coradeschi (Silvia.Coradeschi@tech.oru.se)
Date: Tue Sep 11 2001 - 11:05:56 PDT

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                             Call for Participation
        AAAI Fall Symposium on Anchoring Symbols to Sensor Data in Single and
                             Multiple Robot Systems

    NOTICE: Registration deadline September 21!

    The focus of this symposium is on the connection between abstract- and
    physical-level representations of objects in autonomous robotic systems.
    We call "anchoring" the process of creating, and maintaining in time,
    this connection. Anchoring can thus be seen as a special case of symbol
    grounding where the symbols denote physical objects.

    Anchoring is required in any robot that uses a symbolic representation.
    A typical example is to identify and track a specific person in a crowd
    given a linguistic description. Anchoring must also occur in multiple
    robot systems whenever the robots exchange information via symbolic
    representations. We talk in this case of "grounded communication".
    Grounded communication is also needed for effective human-robot

    Our main preoccupation is a practical one. All existing robotic systems
    that comprise a symbolic reasoning component implicitly incorporate a
    solution to the anchoring problem. However, this solution is typical
    developed on a system by system basis on a restricted domain. The
    ambition of this symposium is to create an interdisciplinary community
    that will develop a general theory of anchoring. The emphasis will be
    on the computational aspects of anchoring, including the functionalities
    and representations needed to perform it.

    Limited travel grants are available for students. Please apply by =
    sending a mail to one of the chairs of the Sympisum with a short bio =
    plus a paragraph describing the participant's interest in the symposium.

    - Registration deadline: September 21, 2001
    - Symposium days: November 2-4, 2001 (North Falmouth, MA, USA)
    - Detailed information: http://www.aass.oru.se/Agora/FSS01/

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