[UAI] paper on BNT now available

From: Kevin Murphy (murphyk@cs.berkeley.edu)
Date: Thu Sep 27 2001 - 05:42:34 PDT

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    I am pleased to announce the following paper

    "The Bayes Net Toolbox for Matlab", by Kevin Murphy.
    Published in: Computing Science and Statistics: Proceedings of
    Interface, volume 33, 2001

    Available at


    The Bayes Net Toolbox (BNT) is an open-source Matlab package for
    directed graphical models. BNT supports many kinds of nodes
    (probability distributions), exact and approximate inference,
    parameter and structure learning, and static and dynamic models. BNT
    is widely used in teaching and research: the web page has received
    over 28,000 hits since May 2000. In this paper, we discuss a broad
    spectrum of issues related to graphical models (directed and
    undirected), and describe, at a high-level, how BNT was designed to
    cope with them. We also compare BNT to other software packages
    for graphical models, and to the nascent OpenBayes effort.

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