[UAI] New book: Bayesian Networks and Decision Graphs, Finn V. Jensen

From: John Kimmel (jkimmel@home.com)
Date: Mon Oct 01 2001 - 13:26:21 PDT

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    To: <uai@cs.orst.edu>

    I would like to announce a new book on Bayesian networks.

    Bayesian Networks and Decision Graphs
    Finn V. Jensen

    The book emphasizes the two-sided strengths of graphical models: on one side
    a precise language for inter-personal communication and human interacted
    modeling and on the other side a high level programming language for
    uniquely specifying computational tasks. Part I gives a thorough
    introduction to Bayesian networks as well as decision trees and influence
    diagrams, and through examples and exercises, the reader is instructed in
    building graphical models from domain knowledge. This part is
    self-contained, and it does not require other background than standard
    secondary school mathematics. Part II is devoted to the
    presentation of algorithms and complexity issues. This part is also
    self-contained, but it assumes that the reader is familiar with working
    with texts in the mathematical language. The book also:

    · Provides a well-founded practical introduction to Bayesian networks,
    decision trees and influence diagrams

    · Gives several examples and exercises exploiting computer systems for
    Bayesian networks and influence diagrams

    · Gives practical advise on constructing Bayesian networks and influence
    diagrams from domain knowledge

    · Embeds decision making into the framework of Bayesian networks

    · Presents in detail the currently most efficient algorithms for probability
    updating in Bayesian networks

    · Discusses a wide range of analysis tools and models requests together with
    algorithms for calculation of responses

    · Gives a detailed presentation of the currently most efficient algorithm
    for solving influence diagrams

    >From a prepublication review:

    "The book addresses readers in both academia and industry who want to learn
    enough theory and technology to be able to build probabilistic expert
    systems. Dr. Jensen is a key player in the field of Bayesian networks, who
    has made significant contributions to both the theory and the practice of
    the field of probabilistic expert systems. This book is another sample of
    the high quality of his writing. " (Marek J. Druzdzel, University of

    2001. Cloth. 282 pp. 0-387-95259-5.
    For ordering information, go to:

    John Kimmel
    Executive Editor
    Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.
    E-mail: jkimmel@springer-ny.com

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