[UAI] CP2001: Early Registration Deadline

From: ianm@cs.york.ac.uk
Date: Wed Oct 10 2001 - 19:02:03 PDT

  • Next message: robert castelo: "[UAI] UAI 2001 paper on learning Bayes Nets"

    Apologies if you receive this more than once:

    CP 2001:
    7th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint
    Paphos, Cyprus, November 26-December 1, 2001.
    Co-located with ICLP/LOPSTR 2001.

    The deadline for early registration is *** TODAY *** October 10th, 2001.

    Conference home: http://www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/~iclpcp01/
    Workshops: http://www.inra.fr/bia/T/schiex/workshopsCP.html

    Invited Speakers:

     - Is Logic Really Dead, or Only Just Sleeping ?
       Robert Kowalski (Imperial College, London)

     - Constraint Satisfaction and Database Theory
       Moshe Y. Vardi, Rice University

     - What I foresee for 4C.
       Eugene Freuder, Cork Constraint Computation Center

     - Toward theoretical frameworks for comparing constraint
       satisfaction models and algorithms
       Peter van Beek, University of Waterloo

     - Solving the mutiplication constraint in several approximation spaces
       Alain Colmerauer (University of Marseille, France)

    Best Papers:

     - Hybrid Benders Decomposition Algorithms in Constraint Logic
       Andrew Eremin and Mark Wallace

     - Fast Optimal Instruction Scheduling for Single-issue Processors with
       Arbitrary Latencies
       Peter van Beek and Kent Wilken

     - Branch-and-Check: A Hybrid Framework Integrating Mixed Integer
       Programming and Constraint Logic Programming
       Erlendur S. Thorsteinsson


     - Local Search and Constraint Programming
       Filippo Focacci, Francois Laburthe, and Andrea Lodi

     - Complexity of Constraint Solving Problems
       Nadia Creignou, Miki Hermann and Reinhard Pichler

     - Constraint programming and Operation Research
       John Hooker

     - Soft constraints theory, algorithms and applications
      Pedro Meseguer, Francesca Rossi and Thomas Schiex

     - Interval constraints for numerical analysis
       Maarten van Emdem

    Doctoral Tutorials:

     - How to write a good paper
       Krzysztof Apt, CWI and University of Amsterdam

     - How not to give a talk
       Eugene Freuder, Cork Constraint Computation Center

     - How to transform an idea into a company
       Ashish Gupta, Chief Scientific Officer, Tavant Technologies

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