[UAI] UAI 2001 paper on learning Bayes Nets

From: robert castelo (roberto@cs.uu.nl)
Date: Wed Oct 10 2001 - 19:05:10 PDT

  • Next message: Richard Zemel: "[UAI] NIPS*2001 workshops"

    dear colleagues,

    due to technical problems the following paper

    T.Kocka and R.Castelo
    'Improved Learning of Bayesian Networks'

    published in this last year's UAI conference proceedings had
    all plots printed wrongly.

    we thank the organisers for providing quickly an errata page
    at the conference, but we would like to warn those of you that
    did not attend the conference that the plots in the proceedings
    are not right (there are lines missing).

    for that reason we let you know that you can download the
    pdf, .ps or .ps zipped version of the paper (where the plots
    are fine) through the following urls:


    the paper introduces a new and simple learning policy for
    Bayesian Networks, and shows, among other things, that can
    recover the Alarm network perfectly in about 50 local
    transformations of the empty DAG (taking about 2 minutes in
    a current PC) using a hill-climber without any causal

    robert castelo & tomas kocka.

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