Re: [UAI] letter of resignation from Machine Learning journal

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Thu Oct 11 2001 - 08:27:10 PDT

  • Next message: Conference: "[UAI] MMACTEE 2001 !"

    There are at least 20,000 refereed journals.

    All their contents need to be freed online, and as soon as possible.
    However, there are reasons to doubt that the fastest, safest, and most
    probable way to bring this about is for the 20K editorial boards of the
    established journals (who do not agree to restructure themselves and
    give away their full-text contents online for free) to resign and start
    up new journals!

    It is for the authors (and their institutions) of all those articles to
    take matters into their own hands now, freeing their own refereed
    papers by self-archiving them in their own institutions` OAI-compliant
    Eprint Archives

    This will allow for a gradual, stable transition, with neither the risk
    of chaotically destabilizing the existing refereed journal literature
    by suddenly having 20K editorial boards resign and look for someone
    else to take over remaining journal operations, nor the (much more
    likely) long-long wait for more journals to give away their contents
    voluntarily -- or eventually lose their editorial boards if they do not
    (as Machine Learning has just lost its board).

    These are radical, risky, slow, and unlikely strategies for freeing the
    refereed research literature, whereas the self-archiving solution is
    already proved, within reach, and can bring it about stably, and very

         Harnad, S. (2001) Six Proposals for Freeing the Refereed Literature
         Ariadne 28 June 2001.

    The motivation for freeing the refereed research literature is to
    maximize the access to, and the impact/uptake of, refereed research.
    As researchers (and their institutions) come to realize that
    self-archiving is an instant way to maximize access/impact/uptake, more
    and more of them will do it, and the positive feedback from
    self-archiving`s benefits -- in increased access/impact/uptake for
    those papers and authors, as demonstrated by Lee Giles's own group: and
    forthcoming search-engines that display citation and download impact
    factors for papers and authors -- will induce still
    further researchers to self-archive.

    Nor will journal cancellations be sudden and immediate (and potentially
    catastrophic) with the author/institution self-archiving option -- in
    fact, they may never occur at all, if there continues to be a market
    for publishers' options even after the basic refereed corpus is
    accessible online for free:

    So, in my view, these dramatic editorial board resignations
    are the exceptions rather than the rule, and researchers
    should not sit around waiting and hoping for more of them to
    occur. They should self-archive now!

         What you can do now to free the refereed literature online

    Stevan Harnad

    Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2001 14:33:25 -0700 (PDT)
    From: Michael Jordan <jordan@CS.Berkeley.EDU>
    Subject: letter of resignation from Machine Learning journal

    The forty people whose names appear below have resigned from the
    Editorial Board of the Machine Learning Journal (MLJ). We would
    like to make our resignations public, to explain the rationale for
    our action...

    Times have changed. Articles now circulate easily via the Internet,
    but unfortunately MLJ publications are under restricted access.
    Universities and research centers can pay a yearly fee of $1050 US to
    obtain unrestricted access to MLJ articles (and individuals can pay
    $120 US). While these fees provide access for institutions and
    individuals who can afford them, we feel that they also have the
    effect of limiting contact between the current machine learning
    community and the potentially much larger community of researchers
    worldwide whose participation in our field should be the fruit of
    the modern Internet.

    In the spring of 2000, a new journal, the Journal of Machine Learning
    Research (JMLR), was created...
    Articles published in JMLR are available freely, without limits and
    without conditions, at the journal's website,

    Stevan Harnad
    Professor of Cognitive Science
    Department of Electronics and phone: +44 23-80 592-582
                  Computer Science fax: +44 23-80 592-865
    University of Southampton
    Highfield, Southampton

    NOTE: A complete archive of the ongoing discussion of providing free
    access to the refereed journal literature online is available at the
    American Scientist September Forum (98 & 99 & 00 & 01):


    You may join the list at the amsci site.

    Discussion can be posted to:

    - --- --- --- --- ---

    Useless hypotheses, etc.:
     consciousness, phlogiston, philosophy, vitalism, mind, free will, qualia,
    analog computing, cultural relativism, GAC, Cyc, Eliza, cryonics, individual
    uniqueness, ego, human values, scientific relinquishment

    We move into a better future in proportion as science displaces superstition.

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