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Date: Fri Oct 12 2001 - 08:36:49 PDT

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            Has anyone successfully built the RoboCup-2001 Rescue Simulation
    League kernel (v0.31, the 24 Jun 2001 competition environment) using
    gcc, under Red Hat Linux 6.x/7.x, Irix 6.5.x, or Solaris?

            One of our software engineering students is considering a term
    project on RoboCup Rescue and has requested help from both student
    systems administrators and developers. Below is a brief report of
    difficulties they have encountered in compiling the kernel.

            Here are the relevant URLs:
            - Competition home page:
            - Documentation and sources:
            - Simulators home page (we downloaded the 0.31 kernel from

            If you have any experience with this software package, I would
    appreciate it if you could reply by e-mail to this post; I shall
    summarize to the mailing list. (I will also watch the list for any
    discussions on this topic.)

    Thanks in advance,
    William H. Hsu

     William H. Hsu, Ph.D.
     Assistant Professor of CIS, Kansas State University
     Director, Lab for Knowledge Discovery in Databases
     bhsu@cis.ksu.edu, bhsu@ncsa.uiuc.edu
     http://www.kddresearch.org ICQ: 28651394

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Aaron Riekenberg [mailto:aaron@cis.ksu.edu]
    Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 5:19 PM
    To: Bill Hsu
    Subject: RoboCup Problems

    We tried to compile versions .31, .31beta, .30, and .28 of the
    RoboCup-Rescue simulator from this
    site: http://ne.cs.uec.ac.jp/~koto/rescue/index.html

    We initially tried this on a Sun Solaris machine that had gcc version
    2.8.1. This didn't work because gcc 2.8.1 doesn't support namespace.
    We then tried compiling these versions of the simulator on a RedHat
    6.2 machine and a RedHat 7.1 machine running gcc versions 2.91.66 and
    3.0, respectively. On these machines, the compilation gave errors
    about templates.


    - -----Original Message-----
    From: James W Plummer [mailto:jwp1924@ksu.edu]
    Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 5:14 PM
    To: KDD Group Mailing List
    Subject: Re: [ksu-kdd] FW: [ksu-robotics] RE: robo rescue


      Ok here what I've done so far. I tried the make file using gcc version
    2.8.1 and eventually come up with multiple errors. Too many to count.
    The make ends unsuccessfully in about 5 minutes.

      I looked arround and found some .java file which compiled correctly
    and some .class files. I didn't try running them becuase I didn't know
    which contained a main method.

    james p.

    On Thu, 11 Oct 2001, William H. Hsu wrote:

    > [KDD Group: could you (esp. HG, CPS, JAS, and JWP) please try
    > downloading and compiling the RoboCup Rescue Simulation League (RSL)
    > kernel, #7 below, today? Thanks. ---WHH]
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Dave Gustafson [mailto:dag@cis.ksu.edu]
    > Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 6:39 AM
    > To: William H. Hsu
    > Cc: Dave Gustafson
    > Subject: Re: [ksu-robotics] RE: robo rescue
    > The systems people were not able to compile the kernel. Did you try
    > that step? Or did you get it to execute without re-compiling the
    > kernel?
    > - Dave

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