[UAI] Machine Learning journal

From: Robert Holte (holte@cs.ualberta.ca)
Date: Sat Oct 13 2001 - 11:43:12 PDT

  • Next message: Mark Girolami: "[UAI] 24th BCS-IRSG European Colloquium on IR Research"

    Dear colleagues,

    In response to the widely circulated letter of resignation of
    some members of the Machine Learning journal (MLJ), I would like to
    make two points:
      - MLJ articles *are* universally electronically accessible
      - MLJ seeks your support and input to continue serving the community

    The accessibility of MLJ papers has been dramatically improved
    in the past 12 months. The main changes are these:

      - the copyright agreement gives the author the right to distribute
        individual copies of an MLJ paper to students and colleagues,
        physically and electronically, including making the paper available
        from the author's personal web site.

      - all MLJ papers are freely available online at Kluwer's web page
        from the time of acceptance until the paper appears in print.

      - the individual MLJ subscription price has been dramatically reduced.
        It is excellent value for money: for $120 Kluwer prints, binds,
        and mails to your door around 1350 pages.

    As a consequence of the first two points, MLJ articles are universally
    accessible -- from Kluwer's home page in the first six months or so,
    and at any time from the author's home page.

    The primary purpose of paid subscriptions, in this new distribution model,
    is to enable an individual or institution to obtain a bound archival copy
    of the journal printed on high-quality paper -- exactly the same role
    served by the printed version of JMLR sold by MIT Press.

    Turning to the second point, all members of both editorial boards have
    the interests of the machine learning community at heart.
    Our job is to serve you.

    The current members of the MLJ board, and the new members we are
    in the process of adding, believe it is in the best interests
    of the research community to keep MLJ alive and strong at this time.
    This is not to say we hope JMLR will fail. There is ample excellent
    research to support two high-quality journals, so it is not necessary
    for one of the journals to be destroyed in order for the other to succeed.

    If you agree that MLJ is useful to the community and has
    a role to play in the future, I would like to hear from you -
    feedback from the community is the very best way for me to know
    how to steer MLJ's course so it best serves the community.

    -- Robert Holte holte@cs.ualberta.ca
       Executive Editor
       Machine Learning

    [UAI Moderator - Unless you really believe your response relevant to
    uaiList readership, please respond directly to Robert and not to the
    whole list - tnx!]

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