[UAI] [CFP] Uncertain Reasoning Track, FLAIRS 2002

From: yxiang@spither.cis.uoguelph.ca
Date: Tue Oct 16 2001 - 11:04:44 PDT

  • Next message: icdm02@kis.maebashi-it.ac.jp: "[UAI] CFP: IEEE Data Mining 2002"

                  Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning (UR)

                  Paper submission dealine: October 28, 2001

                               FLAIRS 2002
                           Pensacola, Florida
                             May 16-18, 2002
                                Call For Papers
    The Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning (UR) at the Fifteenth International
    Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS)
    seeks to bring together researchers working on broad issues related to
    reasoning under uncertainty. FLAIRS 2002 will be held in Pensacola, Florida.

    - ------
    Papers on all aspects of uncertain reasoning are invited. Papers of
    particular interest to the UR track are:

    *Uncertain reasoning formalisms, calculi and methodologies
    *Reasoning with probability, possibility, fuzzy logic, belief function,
            argumentation, rough set, and probability logics
    *Exact, approximate and qualitative uncertain reasoning
    *Nonmonotonic reasoning
    *Multi-agent uncertain reasoning and decision making
    *Decision-theoretic planning and Markov decision process
    *Temporal reasoning and uncertainty
    *Construction of models from elicitation, data mining and knowledge discovery
    *Practical applications of uncertain reasoning
    *Uncertain reasoning in information retrieval/filtering/fusion, diagnosis,
            prediction, situation assessment

    Paper Review and Publication
    - ----------------------------
    Only full papers will be considered for the UR track. Submitted papers
    will be reviewed by the program committee members. An author for an
    accepted paper is expected to present the paper in the track. Papers
    accepted for the UR track will be published in the FLAIRS 2002 Conference

    The best 4-6 papers will be invited for modification, extension and
    submission to a special issue in the
            International Journal of Approximate Reasoning.
    The journal submissions will undergo a review process before acceptance.

    Important Dates
    - ---------------
    Papers Due: October 28, 2001
    Author Notification: January 3, 2002
    Camera Ready Copy Due: March 4, 2002
    Journal Invitation: Feb 10, 2002
    Journal Paper Due: May 10, 2002
    Conference Dates: May 16-18, 2002

    Program Committee
    - -----------------
    Yang Xiang, University of Guelph, Canada
    Salem Benferhat, University Paul Sabatier, France

    Committee Members:
    Cory Butz, University of Regina, Canada
    David Chiu, University of Guelph, Canada
    Marek Druzdzel, University of Pittsburgh, USA
    Love Ekenberg, Stockholm University and KTH, Sweden
    Linda van der Gaag, Utrecht University, Netherlands
    Christopher Geib, Honeywell Research, USA
    Michael Horsch, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
    Timothy Huang, Middlebury College, USA
    Weiru Liu, University of Ulster, UK
    Anders Madsen, Hugin Expert, Denmark
    Eric Neufeld, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
    Andy Novobilski, University of Tennessee, USA
    Kristian Olesen, Aalborg University, Denmark
    Simon Parsons, University of Liverpool, UK
    Eugene Santos Jr., University of Connecticut, USA
    Solomon Shimony, University of the Negev, Israel
    Paul Snow, Concord, USA
    Hakan Younes, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
    Shlomo Zilberstein, University of Massachusetts, USA

    Paper Submission Information
    - ----------------------------
    Only full papers will be reviewed and considered. Papers should not
    exceed 5000 words, including abstract and references. Final papers
    will consist of at most 5 galley pages (approximately 10-12 double
    spaced pages).

    Papers can be submitted by e-mail or snail mail. E-mail submission
    is preferred.

    E-mail Submission: To submit by e-mail, send a PDF or POSTSCRIPT file to
    with a cover message that contains the title and authors
    of the paper and about 3 to 5 keywords that best describe
    the topic areas.

    Snail Mail Submission: To submit by snail mail, send 5 copies of the
    full paper, including about 3 to 5 keywords that best describe the
    topic areas, to the address below:

    Prof. Yang Xiang
    Department of Computing & Information Science
    College of Physical & Engineering Science
    University of Guelph
    Guelph, Ontario
    Canada N1G 2W1
    UR Track Website
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