[UAI] CFP: IEEE Data Mining 2002

From: icdm02@kis.maebashi-it.ac.jp
Date: Wed Oct 17 2001 - 10:37:43 PDT

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       ICDM '02: The 2002 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining
                    Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society
                   Maebashi TERRSA, Maebashi City, Japan
                          November 26 - 29, 2002
               Home Page: http://kis.maebashi-it.ac.jp/icdm02
             Mirror Page: http://www.wi-lab.com/icdm02

                          Call for Papers

    The 2002 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (IEEE ICDM '02)
    provides a leading international forum for the sharing of original
    research results and practical development experiences among
    researchers and application developers from different data mining
    related areas such as machine learning, automated scientific
    discovery, statistics, pattern recognition, knowledge acquisition,
    soft computing, databases and data warehousing, data visualization,
    and knowledge-based systems. The conference seeks solutions to
    challenging problems facing the development of data mining systems,
    and shapes future directions of research by promoting high quality,
    novel and daring research findings. As an important part of the
    conference, the workshops program will focus on new research
    challenges and initiatives.

    Topics of Interest

    Topics related to the design, analysis and implementation of data
    mining theory, systems and applications are of interest. These
    include, but are not limited to the following areas:

      - Foundations and principles of data mining
      - Data mining algorithms and methods in traditional areas (such as
        classification, clustering, probabilistic modeling, and
        association analysis), and in new areas
      - Data and knowledge representation for data mining
      - Modeling of structured, textual, temporal, spatial, multimedia and
        Web data to support data mining
      - Complexity, efficiency, and scalability issues in data mining
      - Data pre-processing, data reduction, feature selection and feature
      - Statistics and probability in large-scale data mining
      - Soft computing (including neural networks, fuzzy logic,
        evolutionary computation, and rough sets) and uncertainty
        management for data mining
      - Integration of data warehousing, OLAP and data mining
      - Man-machine interaction in data mining and visual data mining
      - Artificial intelligence contributions to data mining
      - High performance and distributed data mining
      - Machine learning, pattern recognition and automated scientific
      - Quality assessment and interestingness metrics of data mining
      - Process centric data mining and models of data mining process
      - Security and social impact of data mining
      - Emerging data mining applications, such as electronic commerce,
        bioinformatics, Web mining and intelligent learning database systems

    Conference Publications and ICDM Best Paper Awards

    High quality papers in all data mining areas are solicited. Papers
    exploring new directions will receive a careful and supportive review.

    There are two different types of paper submission for IEEE ICDM '02:
    (1) main track submissions and (2) industry track submissions.

    All submitted papers should be limited to a maximum of 6,000 words
    (approximately 20 A4 pages), and will be reviewed on the basis of
    technical quality, relevance to data mining, originality,
    significance, and clarity.

    Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings by the
    IEEE Computer Society Press. A selected number of IEEE ICDM '02
    accepted papers will be expanded and revised for possible inclusion in
    the Knowledge and Information Systems journal
    (http://kais.mines.edu/~kais/) by Springer-Verlag.

    IEEE ICDM Best Paper Awards will be conferred on the authors of the
    best papers at the conference.

    Important Dates

      June 5, 2002 Main track paper submissions
                             Industry track paper submissions

      June 30, 2002 Tutorial submissions
                             Panel submissions
                             Workshop proposals

      August 9, 2002 Paper acceptance notices

      September 2, 2002 Final camera-readies

      November 26-29, 2002 Conference

    All paper submissions will be handled electronically. Detailed
    instructions are provided on the conference home page at
    http://kis.maebashi-it.ac.jp/icdm02 and http://www.wi-lab.com/icdm02

    Honorary Chair:

    Setsuo Ohsuga, Waseda University, Japan

    Conference Chairs:

      Ning Zhong, Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan

      Philip S. Yu, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA

    Program Committee Chairs:

      Vipin Kumar, University of Minnesota, USA
      (kumar@cs.umn.edu, stewart@arc.umn.edu)

      Shusaku Tsumoto, Shimane Medical University, Japan
    Workshops Chair:

      Einoshin Suzuki, Yokohama National University, Japan

    Tutorials Chair:

      Takashi Washio, Osaka University, Japan

    Panels Chair:

      Katharina Morik, University of Dortmund, Germany

    Industry Track Chair:

      Koji Sasaki, AdIn Research, Inc., Japan
      (sasaki@adin.co.jp, hosokawa@adin.co.jp)

    Publicity Chair:

      Jiming Liu, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
    Finance Chair:

      Xindong Wu, University of Vermont, USA

    Local Arrangements Chair:

      Nobuo Otani, Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan
    ICDM Steering Committee

      Xindong Wu, Chair (University of Vermont, USA)
      Max Bramer, University of Portsmouth, UK
      Nick Cercone, University of Waterloo, Canada
      Ramamohanarao Kotagiri, University of Melbourne, Australia
      Katharina Morik, University of Dortmund, Germany
      Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro, KDnuggets, USA
      Philip S. Yu, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
      Ning Zhong, Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan

    Further Information

      Professor Ning Zhong (ICDM '02)
      Department of Information Engineering
      Maebashi Institute of Technology
      460-1, Kamisadori-Cho, Maebashi-City, 371-0816

      Telephone & Fax: +81-27-265-7366
      E-mail: zhong@maebashi-it.ac.jp

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