Re: [UAI] Generating Bayes nets randomly

Date: Fri Oct 26 2001 - 15:16:41 PDT

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    I think you need to distinguish between sampling the space of DAGs (for a
    fixed number of nodes) from sampling the space of probability
    distributions over the nodes. I don't think that sampling the former
    uniformly will necessarily sample the latter uniformly.

    The algorithm that I use to sample the space of DAGs for a fixed number of
    nodes is as follows:

    (1) Generate a random ordering over the nodes
    (2) Generate a lower-triangular structure matrix of 0's and 1's.

    If you can sample the ordering from a uniform distribution, I believe this
    should sample the space of DAGs from a uniform distribution, although
    admittedly I have never sought a proof of this.

    (1) can be achieved by randomly shuffling an ordering sufficiently many
    times. There is a C++ standard function called random_shuffle that
    purports to do this. Again, by symmetry I believe this should sample from
    a uniform distribution, but I haven't sought a proof.


    On Fri, 26 Oct 2001, Fabio Gagliardi Cozman wrote:

    > Dear UAIers,
    > I would appreciate if anyone could give some pointers
    > on how to generate Bayesian networks randomly. That is,
    > how to construct directed acyclic graphs and their
    > associated parameters in a way that uniformly samples
    > the space of the DAGs? I have not found a simple explanation
    > on how to do it, even though many papers refer to networks
    > that have been generated randomly. I wonder if there is
    > software available for this.
    > Maybe the problem is simple, but it does seem to require
    > some sophistication. Even to generate the conditional
    > probabilities, it does not seem that simply generating
    > tuples and normalizing them will uniformly sample the
    > space of probability distributions.
    > Any help is appreciated. Thanks,
    > Fabio Cozman

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