[UAI] Biometric Signal Processing

From: EURASIP JASP Alert (alert@asp.hindawi.com)
Date: Fri Nov 09 2001 - 10:14:02 PST

  • Next message: uai02@cs.ucla.edu: "[UAI] UAI-2002 CFP"


    Special Issue on:
    Biometric Signal Processing

    Biometric signal processing is an emerging technology that enables
    the authentication, identification, or verification of an individual
    based on physiological, behavioral and molecular characteristics.
    With the advancement of computer vision and pattern recognition
    techniques, together with high-speed computers, research related to
    biometrics has developed rapidly in the last several decades, and has
    led to various applications. Biometric techniques include recognizing
    faces, hands, voices, signatures, irises, fingerprints, DNA patterns,
    etc. These enabling technologies for biometrics will play an
    important role in security, smart card and personalized eCommerce
    applications. The analysis of biometric information is a challenging
    task, and a wide range of signal processing techniques need to be
    applied. The success of the applications heavily relies on the
    efficiency, reliability and accuracy of these biometric signal
    processing techniques.

    The aim of this special issue is to bring together researchers
    working on biometric signal processing and its applications, with a
    particular emphasis on person authentication and identification.
    Prospective papers should be unpublished and present solid research
    work offering innovative contributions either from a methodological
    or application point of view.

    Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

     - Facial image analysis and face recognition
     - Fingerprint verification
     - Iris analysis and identification
     - Hand pattern identification
     - Speaker verification and recognition
     - Audio-visual speaker recognition
     - Signature analysis and verification
     - Keystroke recognition
     - DNA pattern analysis and verification
     - Biometric information compression, indexing and retrieval
     - Multimodal biometrics
     - Applications and implementations

    Authors should follow the EURASIP JASP manuscript format described at
    the Journal site http://asp.hindawi.com/. Prospective authors should
    submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript through the
    EURASIP JASP's web submission system at http://asp.hindawi.com/wss/,
    according to the following timetable.

      Manuscript due: October 30, 2002
      Acceptance notification: April 30, 2003
      Final Manuscript due: June 30, 2003
      Publication date: 4th Quarter, 2003


    Prof. Herve Bourlard, IDIAP, Rue du Simplon, 4, CH- 1920 Martigny,
    Switzerland; bourlard@idiap.ch

    Dr. Kenneth K.M. Lam, Centre for Multimedia Signal Processing, Dept.
    of Electronic & Information Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic
    University, Kowloon, Hong Kong; enkmlam@polyu.edu.hk

    Prof. Ioannis Pitas, Department of Informatics, Aristotle University
    of Thessaloniki, Thesssaloniki, 54006, Greece; pitas@zeus.csd.auth.gr

    Dr. Yue Wang Computational Imaging and Informatics Laboratory Dept.
    of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science The Catholic University
    of America, Washington, DC 20064, USA; wang@pluto.ee.cua.edu


    Dr. Jean-Luc Dugelay, EURECOM, France



     - Nonlinear Signal Processing and Applications
     - Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services
     - Emerging Applications of Multimedia Data Hiding
     - Space-Time Coding and its Applications
     - Applied Visual Inspection
     - 3G Wireless Communications and Beyond
     - Signal Processing for 3D Imaging and Virtual Reality
     - Implementation of DSP and Communication Systems
     - Systems for Multimedia Internet Communications
     - Joint Audio-Visual Speech Processing
     - Multimedia Signal Processing
     - Sensor Networks
     - Multiuser Detection and Blind Estimation
     - Advances in Modality-Oriented Medical Image Processing
     - Rapid Prototyping of DSP Systems
     - Unstructured Information Management from Multimedia Data Sources
     - Neuromorphic Signal Processing and Implementations
     - Digital Audio for Multimedia Communications
     - Genetic and Evolutionary Computation for Signal Processing and
       Image Analysis
     - Multimedia Human-Computer Interface
     - Signal Processing for Acoustic Communication System

    If you wish not to receive future announcements of the EURASIP
    Journal on Applied Signal Processing, please send an email to
    majordomo@hindawi.de with the following line in the body of the

      unsubscribe asp uai@ghost.cs.orst.edu

    Request a sample copy at http://asp.hindawi.com/scr.html.

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