[UAI] UAI-2002 CFP

From: uai02@cs.ucla.edu
Date: Sun Nov 11 2001 - 15:04:59 PST

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                  18th Conference on Uncertainty in AI
                         First Call for Papers

                           August 1-4, 2002


    Since 1985, the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial
    Intelligence (UAI) has been the primary international forum for
    presenting new results on the use of principled methods for
    reasoning under uncertainty within intelligent systems. The scope
    of UAI is wide, including, but not limited to, representation,
    automated reasoning, learning, decision making and knowledge
    acquisition under uncertainty. We encourage submissions to
    UAI-2002 that report on advances in these core areas, as well as
    those dealing with insights derived from the construction and use
    of applications involving reasoning under uncertainty.

    The 18th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence will
    be held in August, 2002 at the University of Alberta, Edmonton,
    Canada. The main technical session will be on August 2-4, and will be
    preceded with a tutorial program on August 1st. The UAI-2002 venue
    is in close proximity to several other conferences, including KDD
    (July 23-25), AAAI (July 28 - August 1), and ISMB (August 3-7).

    Paper Submission
    UAI-2002 requires electronic submission of papers and abstracts
    according to instructions posted at the conference home page.
    If authors have special circumstances that prevent electronic
    submission, arrangements can be made directly with the program
    co-chairs listed below.

    Authors are required to submit a title and a short abstract a
    week before the paper submission deadline. Submitted papers must
    be prepared according to the UAI-2002 proceedings format and must
    be no more than eight (8) pages long, including figures and
    bibliography. Papers that deviate from these guidelines will be
    rejected without review. The conference home page contains format
    information and provides access to style files and templates.

    Papers submitted for review should represent original, previously
    unpublished work. At the time the full paper is submitted to
    UAI-2002, and for the entire review period, the paper should not
    be under review by any other conference or scientific journal.

    Submitted papers will be carefully evaluated on the basis of
    originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of
    exposition. Papers may be accepted for presentation in plenary or
    poster sessions. All accepted papers will be included in the
    Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial
    Intelligence, published by Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.

    The program committee will select papers for special distinction in
    two categories at UAI-2002: a "Best Paper" award, and an "Outstanding
    Student Paper" award. The conference home page contains instructions
    for certifying student status with regards to the latter award.

    Key Dates:
    March 18, 2002, 23:59 PST: Abstract submission.
    March 25, 2002, 23:59 PST: Full paper submission.
    March 25, 2002, 23:59 PST: Student paper certification.
    May 5, 2002: Author notification of accepted papers.
    June 3, 2002: Camera ready copy of accepted papers.

    These deadlines will be strictly enforced.

    Conference Organization
    Please direct general inquiries to the General Conference Chair at
    koller@cs.stanford.edu. Inquiries about the conference program and
    submission requirements should be directed to the Program
    Co-Chairs at uai02-pchairs@cs.ucla.edu.

    Daphne Koller, General Conference Chair
     Computer Science Department
     Stanford University
     Stanford, CA 94305-9010
     Phone: +1 (650) 723-6598
     Fax: +1 (650) 725-1449
     E-mail: koller@cs.stanford.edu

    Adnan Darwiche, Program Co-chair
     Computer Science Department
     University of California
     Los Angles, CA 90095-1596
     Phone: +1 (310) 206-5201
     Fax: +1 (310) 794-5057
     E-mail: darwiche@cs.ucla.edu

    Nir Friedman, Program Co-chair
     School of Computer Science & Engineering
     Hebrew University
     Jerusalem, 91904, Israel
     Phone: +972-2-658-4720
     Fax: +972-2-675-8938
     E-mail: nir@cs.huji.ac.il

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