[UAI] UAI and double blind reviews

From: Robert P. Goldman (goldman@htc.honeywell.com)
Date: Wed Nov 14 2001 - 11:20:24 PST

  • Next message: owner-uai@cs.orst.edu: "(no subject)"

    >>>>> "HL" == Langseth Helge <Helge.Langseth@indman.sintef.no> writes:

        HL> I just wondered why the UAI conferences don't use a
        HL> double-blind review process (i.e. both the author(s) as well
        HL> as the reviewers are anonymous during the reviewing)? Although
        HL> it would mean a slight increase in paper work for the
        HL> organisation committee, it would also give the appearance of
        HL> higher professionalism throughout the community.

        HL> (No, this is not about me being rejected and wanting to blame
        HL> someone else, or whatever. It is simply the observation that
        HL> many other highly competitive arenas, such as the IJCAI, have
        HL> introduced double-blind reviews a long time ago...)

    Well, if this issue is going to be bruited about on this forum, I'd
    like to cast my vote AGAINST the double-blind process. I've seen that
    at work in the AI conferences, and it's a monumental pain to deal
    with, both as a reviewer (where I have to pretend I don't know people
    whose work I recognize perfectly well) and as a submitter, where I
    have to try to launder my references. And as a reviewer, I find
    ENORMOUS differences in the degree to which submitters comply with the
    anonymizing instructions.

    Personally, I will be delighted to keep an appearance of greater
    amateurism in UAI. And I don't think we need to comply with the
    practices of any organization that would site its conference in
    Detroit :-)


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