[UAI] job announcement

From: Luc Bovens (bovens@spot.colorado.edu)
Date: Thu Nov 15 2001 - 10:50:32 PST

  • Next message: Thomas Richardson: "Re: [UAI] UAI and double blind reviews"

    THE UNIVERSITY OF KONSTANZ, Konstanz, Germany. The Department of
    Philosophy at the University of Konstanz is inviting applications to
    participate in a new interdisciplinary research group 'Philosophy,
    Probability and Modeling' supported by the Alexander von Humboldt
    Foundation. The research focuses on the relevance of techniques in
    probabilistic modeling and probability in AI for topics of philosophical
    interest, such as belief acquisition, evidence and confirmation, causal
    discovery, rational and social choice,... For more information, see


    We are advertising for (i) three-year postdoctoral fellowships with one
    class/semester teaching responsibility, (ii) three-year fellowships for
    students who intend to obtain a doctorate at the University of Konstanz and=

    (iii) three-, six-, nine- or twelve-month fellowships intended for advanced=

    Ph.D. students or faculty. Candidates should have a background in
    probability theory and/or computer science, the relevant philosophical
    interests and a commitment to interdisciplinary and collaborative work. We=

    are not only looking for applications from philosophers, but also from
    mathematicians, statisticians, computer scientists, economists,
    psychologists,... Positions will start on April 1 or October 1, 2002.

    European candidates are requested to send a hardcopy of their application
    package to Luc Bovens, Chair Search Committee, Fachbereich Philosophie,
    Universit=E4t Konstanz, 78457 Konstanz, Germany. Non-European candidates are=

    requested to send a hardcopy of their application package to Luc Bovens,
    Chair Search Committee, University of Colorado, Dept. of Philosophy, CB
    232, Boulder, CO 80309, USA. We request that the applicants send an e-mail=

    copy of their application package (excluding letters of reference) to
    stephan.hartmann@uni-konstanz.de. For administrative reasons, the deadline=

    in the APA publication Jobs for Philosophers is set at December 7, 2001,
    while the deadline in Die Zeit is set at December 14, 2001. We encourage
    applicants to send in their materials before December 7, 2001, but will
    accept applications postmarked up to December 14, 2001. We accept
    applications in German or English. Candidates should include a CV, a
    writing sample and three letters of recommendation. Senior candidates may
    forego letters of recommendation.

    Applications from women are strongly encouraged, since the University of
    Konstanz wishes to increase its proportion of women. Persons with
    disabilities receive priority in case of equal qualifications.

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