[UAI] Implementations of Bayesian Networks

From: Linden Hutchinson (lch103@cs.york.ac.uk)
Date: Tue Nov 27 2001 - 10:26:54 PST

  • Next message: Colette Faucher: "[UAI] Call for contributions to the book : INNOVATIONS IN KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING, Springer-Verlag"


    I am currently undertaking a research project into the real-world =
    application of Bayesian Networks at the University of York in England.

    Whilst I have found much information on the Internet I am still having =
    difficulty, which is why I am writing to this mailing group. I have a =
    few questions at the end of this email that would help me a lot in my =
    research. If you could possibly find the time to answer them I would be =
    extremely grateful. I understand that confidentiality concerns will be =
    a problem in some cases, but even limited answers will be good for me.

    Many thanks for your time,

    Linden Hutchinson

    The questions (which can also be submitted online at =
    www24.brinkster.com/lindenuk/bayes if you prefer):

    1. What is your area of interest in Bayesian Networks?=20
    2. What do you consider to be the most important =
    developments in Bayesian technology in the last 15 years?

    3. What applications (e.g. speech recognition, =
    Human-Computer Interaction, Troubleshooting) do you feel have benefited =
    the most from Bayesian research? Why?

    4. What future research would you like to see carried =

    5. Do you see any important areas for the real-world use of =
    Bayesian Networks that has not yet been realised?

    6. Please put links to sources of information that you think would be =

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