[UAI] Call for contributions to the book : INNOVATIONS IN KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING, Springer-Verlag

From: Colette Faucher (colette.faucher@wanadoo.fr)
Date: Tue Nov 27 2001 - 10:28:48 PST

  • Next message: Jose Antonio Lozano Alonso: "[UAI] Book announcement: Estimation of Distribution Algorithms"


    November 27, 2001
    Dear Colleagues,

    We are in the process of editing a book :


    Physica-Verlag (Springer-Verlag company)

    Editors : Colette Faucher, Lakhmi Jain, and Nikhil Ichalkaranje.

    This novel book will present recent advances in the theory and successful
    applications of Knowledge-Based Intelligent Systems. This book will bring
    together for the first time the successful applications of knowledge-based
    paradigms in many areas including business, science, engineering and health.

    This book will contain chapters, which are based on the theory and
    successful applications of knowledge-based paradigms in all areas, such as:

    - Knowledge acquisition techniques
    - Knowledge representation techniques
    - Reasoning in knowledge engineering
    - Uncertainty in knowledge engineering
    - Knowledge integration techniques
    - Learning and decision making
    - Practical applications
    (Additional relevant topics will also be included.)

    The intention of this book is to provide a concise introduction to the
    particular topic dealt with by the newcomer. As such each chapter must be
    complete within itself. Naturally, references to additional or more advanced
    matters are expected to be given in the reference section.

    The proposals in all relevant topics are invited.

    Could you please consider writing one chapter for our book?
    Approximate number of pages for each chapter : 30

    Publication date - 2002.

    Important Dates

    December 15, 2001
    Authors are invited to submit a summary (one page in WORD or PDF format) of
    their proposed chapters as well as their brief resume (CV) to Colette
    Faucher at :

    December 20, 2001
    Acceptance decision

    April 30, 2002
    Draft chapter due

    May 30, 2002
    Feedback to the authors

    June 30, 2002
    Camera ready chapter due

    We will be pleased to offer one copy of this book to the first named
    author/or the corresponding author to express our appreciation.

    Dr. Colette Faucher, Associate Professor of Computer Science
    DIAM-IUSPIM, Facult=E9 des Sciences de Saint-J=E9r=F4me
    Avenue Escadrille Normandie-Niemen
    13397 Marseille Cedex 20, FRANCE

    E-mail : colette.faucher@iuspim.u-3mrs.fr or colette.faucher@wanadoo.fr
    (please use this address preferentially)
    Professional phone : (+33) 4 91 05 60 58
    Professional fax : (+33) 4 91 05 60 33
    Website : http://perso.wanadoo.fr/colette.faucher/colette.html

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