[UAI] Book announcement: Estimation of Distribution Algorithms

From: Jose Antonio Lozano Alonso (ccploalj@si.ehu.es)
Date: Tue Nov 27 2001 - 10:24:57 PST

  • Next message: Amy Braverman: "[UAI] Interface '02: Call for Papers"

    I want to inform the UAI community of a new book

    Estimation of Distribution Algorithms. A new Tool for Evolutionary

    Edited by P. Larraņaga and Jose A. Lozano, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.

    For more detailed information, table of contents, abstracts
    and chapters see:



    The book is devoted to a new paradigm
    for Evolutionary
    Computation, named Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDAs).
    Based on Genetic Algorithms (GAs), this new class of algorithms
    generalizes GAs by replacing the crossover and mutation operators
    by learning and sampling the probability distribution of the best
    individuals of the population at each iteration of the algorithm.
    Working in such a way, the relationships between the variables
    involved in the problem domain are explicitly and effectively
    captured and exploited.

    This text constitutes the first compilation and review of the
    techniques and applications of this new tool for performing
    Evolutionary Computation. The book is clearly divided into three parts and
    comprised of a total of 18 chapters.

    Part I is dedicated to the foundations of EDAs. In this part
    different paradigms for Evolutionary Computation are introduced
    and some probabilistic graphical models --Bayesian networks and
    Gaussian networks-- used in learning and sampling the
    probability distribution of the selected individuals at each
    iteration of EDAs are presented. In addition to this, a review of
    the existing EDA approaches is carried out. Also EDAs based on the
    learning mixture models are presented and some approaches to the
    parallelization of the learning task are introduced. This part
    concludes with the mathematical modeling of some of the proposed
    EDA approaches.

    Part II brings together several applications of EDAs in
    optimization problems and reports on the results reached. Among
    the solved problems are the following ones: the traveling salesman
    problem, the job scheduling problem and the knapsack problem, as
    well as the optimization of some well-known combinatorial and
    continuous functions. This part ends with a chapter devoted to
    an EDA based approach to the inexact graph matching problem.

    Part III presents the application of EDAs in order to solve some
    problems that arise in the Machine Learning field. Concretely, the
    problems considered are: feature subset selection, feature
    weigthing in K-NN classifiers, rule induction, partial abductive
    inference in Bayesian networks, partitional clustering and the
    searching for optimal weights in artificial neural networks.

    This book can be a useful and interesting tool for
    researchers working in the field of Evolutionary Computation. Also engineers who, in their every day
    life, face real-world optimization problems and whom are provided with
    a new and powerful tool can derive benefit from the reading of the book. Moreover, this book may be used by graduate
    students in computer science and by people interested in taking part
    in the development of this new methodology that, in the following
    years, will provide us with interesting and appealing challenges.

    J.A. Lozano e-mail: lozano@si.ehu.es
    Computer Science & AI Department tfno.: +34-943-015034
    University of the Basque Country http://www.sc.ehu.es/isg
    Aptdo. 649
    20080 San Sebastian (Spain)

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