Icsm 2002 Call for Papers

From: icsmif@unisannio.it
Date: Wed Nov 28 2001 - 10:26:58 PST

  • Next message: Kevin Murphy: "Re: [UAI] Mixed DBN propagation"

    Dear Colleague

    I would like to invite you at the IEEE International Conference on Software
    Maintenance, 2002, and associated workshops: SCAM, WSE, and WESS next
    October 2002 in Montreal, Canada. Outstanding Keynotes such as Jon Pincus,
    Microsoft, Industrial and experience papers, reseach papers, tutorials,
    tool expositions, dissertation forum, workshops, panels, and other exciting
    activities have been planned.

    We hope that this CFP will be useful for your work. Please forward the
    following to anybody who you think may be interested. Our apologies if you
    received multiple copy of this.

    If you would like to be removed from our list please send an email to
    icsm2002.info@unisannio.it with REMOVE in the subject.


    Giuliano Antoniol, Program CoChair
    Ira D. Baxter, Program CoChair


    IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance 2002
                       Sponsored by IEEE
        ICSM-2002, Montreal, Canada, 3-6 October 2002

                        Call for Papers

        Theme: Maintaining distributed heterogeneous systems

    ICSM is the major international conference in the field of software and
    systems maintenance, evolution, and management. This year's theme
    elaborates on last year's theme of "systems and software evolution in the
    era of the internet". Standalone legacy applications of yesterday and
    novel applications using today's technologies are rapidly becoming
    integrated as part of enterprise-wide and industry-wide systems. The need
    for rapid integration has led to many distributed heterogeneous systems
    that are very challenging to maintain and evolve.

    ICSM 2002 will address these new scenarios and the major challenges on
    maintenance and evolution. The focus of the conference will be on the new
    challenges that heterogeneous systems pose for software maintenance, and
    the new opportunities for researchers and practitioners. A main goal of
    ICSM is to promote interaction between researchers and practitioners. ICSM
    2002 will bring together researchers, practitioners, developers and users
    of tools, technology transfer experts, and project managers.

    Jon Pincus (Microsoft) will describe how Microsoft handles software
    enhancements. Other outstanding Keynote speakers are being arranged. Past
    conferences have had Parnas, Rombach, McCabe, and Jacobson.

    ICSM-2002 will offer technical presentations and demonstrations from
    academia and industry. We are particularly interested in exchanging
    concepts, prototypes, research ideas, and other results that could
    contribute to the academic arena and also benefit business and the
    industrial community. ICSM 2002 will be participatory, with working
    collaborative sessions and presentations of industry projects.

    The Conference will be held in conjunction with:

        WESS -- Workshop on Empirical Studies of Software Maintenance.
        SCAM -- Source Code Analysis and Manipulation
        WSE -- Workshop on WEBsite Evolution

    Topics of interest include but are not restricted to the following aspects
    of maintenance and evolution:

    - Methods and theories - Maintenance and/or productivity metrics
    - Organizational frameworks - Preventive maintenance
    - Design for maintenance - Tools and environments
    - Life cycle and process control - Models/methods for error prediction
    - User interface evolution - Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)
    - Third party maintenance - Freeware and open source applications
    - Program comprehension - Software and system visualisation
    - Knowledge based systems - Measurement of software
    - Formal methods - Legal aspects and standards
    - Software reusability - Internet and distributed systems
    - Empirical studies - Testing and regression testing
    - Remote, tele-work - Version and configuration management
    - Processes and strategies - Management and organisation
    - Co-operative applications - Source code analysis and manipulation
    - Processes and strategies - Impact of new software practices
    - Programming languages - Reengineering and reverse engineering
    - Multimedia systems

    RESEARCH PAPERS: Research papers should describe original and significant
    work in the research and practice of software maintenance and evolution.
    Case studies, empirical research, and experiments are particularly welcome.
    We also welcome papers that present leading edge and novel ideas in
    maintenance. Papers must not exceed 5000 words (10 pages IEEE style) in
    length, in English. To encourage strong submissions a prize will be
    awarded for the "Best Paper as Submitted". This Prize is offered by John
    Wiley & Sons, the publishers of the Journal of Software Maintenance and
    Evolution. The Program Committee will select the winner and a formal
    presentation of the Prize will be made in Montreal at ICSM 2002.

    FAST TRACK PAPERS: Fast Track papers should describe on-going research
    activities, or summarize the experience in software maintenance and
    evolution. Papers must not exceed 4 pages, IEEE style, in length, in
    English. Accepted fast-track papers will be included in a dedicated
    section of the conference proceedings.

    DISSERTATION FORUM: We welcome submissions of young researchers that have
    delivered their dissertation (Masters or Ph.D.) in the last three years.
    An award will be issued for the best submission. Four page summaries of
    accepted dissertations will be included in the conference proceedings and a
    special forum section will be organised at the conference.

    INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS: Proposals for presentations of Industrial
    Applications are welcome. These can be state-of-the-art descriptions,
    experience reports and survey reports from real projects, industrial
    practices and models, or tool demonstrations. A dedicated sub-committee of
    the program committee will review Industrial Application proposals and a
    1-page summary of accepted proposals will be included in the conference

    TUTORIALS: Tutorials should present software maintenance and evolution
    topics of interest to practitioners. Tutorials may be full day or half-day
    in length.

    SUBMISSION STYLE: PDF and/or Postscript electronic submission only. Papers
    longer than 15 pages or 6000 words will be returned to the authors.
    Acceptance notification will occur June 1, 2002.

                            IMPORTANT DATES

    Research Papers
     deadline: 15 Feb. 2002 mailto:icsm2002.full@unisannio.it

    Fast Track Papers
     deadline: 1 May 2002 mailto:icsm2002.short@unisannio.it

    Dissertation Forum
     deadline: 15 Febr. 2002 mailto:icsm2002.thesis@unisannio.it

    Industrial Applications
     deadline: 15 March 2002 mailto:icsm2002.industry@unisannio.it

     deadline: 15 Feb. 2002 mailto:icsm2002.tutorial@unisannio.it

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Wed Nov 28 2001 - 10:32:56 PST