Re: [UAI] Mixed DBN propagation

From: Kevin Murphy (
Date: Wed Nov 28 2001 - 10:28:23 PST

  • Next message: Marek J. Druzdzel: "[UAI] ?BN for cardio-vascular surgery?"

    Kevin Van Horn's algorithm sounds like the standard GPB heuristic
    used in the tracking field for switching Kalman filters (which is
    the same as Todd's model, modulo the trivial extra C(t-1) -> C(t)
    arcs). This is described in a book by Bar-Shalom and Fortmann.
    I also have a tech report describing it, and some related algorithms.
    I suspect that Minka's expectation propagation would work even
    better, but haven't tried it. Of course, you can always do
    particle filtering or MCMC...


      author = "T. Minka",
      title = "A family of algorithms for approximate {B}ayesian inference",
      school = "MIT",
      year = 2001

      author = "K. P. Murphy",
      title = "Switching {K}alman Filters",
      year = 1998,
      institution = "DEC/Compaq Cambridge Research Labs"

      author = "Y. Bar-Shalom and T. Fortmann",
      title = "Tracking and data association",
      year = 1988,
      publisher = "Academic Press"

    - ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Kevin S. Van Horn" <>
    Date: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 2:08 pm
    Subject: Re: [UAI] Mixed DBN propagation

    > On Tue, 27 Nov 2001, Todd Stephenson wrote:
    > > I am working with dynamic Bayesian networks with a mixture
    > > of continuous and discrete variables. [...]
    > >
    > > Consider the following DBN, with discrete variables D[1] . . . D[N]
    > > and continous variables C[1] . . . C[N], where any variable can be
    > > unobserved:
    > >
    > >
    > > D[1] ---> D[2] ---> D[3] ---> D[4] ---> . . . ---> D[N]
    > > | | | | |
    > > | | | | |
    > > | | | | |
    > > | | | | |
    > > V V V V V
    > > C[1] ---> C[2] ---> C[3] ---> C[4] ---> . . . ---> C[N]
    > This bears some resemblance to my current work on maximum-entropy
    > acousticmodels for speech recognition. In my case it's an
    > undirected graphical model,
    > and the potentials are defined on groups of variables { D[i] }, {
    > D[i],D[i+1] }, or { D[i], C[i-w], ..., C[i+w] }. I'd be
    > interested in knowing more
    > about what you're doing; there might be sufficient similarity in
    > the problems
    > we're tackling for some useful synergy.
    > > Is there a method to avoid having to fully connect all these
    > > discrete variables and thus have to have a large clique containing
    > > all of the discrete variables?
    > You could try the approach that I'm working on for my model, which
    > is to
    > look at this from the viewpoint of elimination algorithms [1]. We
    > can obtain
    > the marginal over { D[2], C[2], ..., D[N], C[N] } by first summing
    > overthe possible values for D[1], then integrating out C[1].
    > Doing this
    > repeatedly gives us marginals over { D[k], C[k], ..., D[N], C[N] }
    > for 1 <= k
    > <= N, and a similar backward pass gives us marginals over each {
    > D[k], C[k] }.
    > If there are M discrete values for the D[k], then we find that in
    > the forward
    > pass we essentially have a mixture of M^k Gaussians for C[k+1].
    > To keep this
    > tractable, we apply some pruning and merging heuristics, relying
    > on the fact
    > that P(C[k] | D[1], ..., D[k]) has (hopefully) diminishing
    > dependence on D[j]
    > as |k - j| increases. If the pruning and merging loses too much
    > accuracy,this method still gives us an efficient means of sampling
    > from a distribution
    > close to the desired one; one can then apply importance sampling
    > to improve
    > the accuracy of the computed marginals.
    > As I look at this, I think this technique may work *better* for your
    > problem (which has a simpler structure) than for mine. We should
    > definitelydiscuss this in more detail outside of the mailing list.
    > --------------------------
    > [1]
    > @article{li94elim,
    > author = {Z. Li and B. D'Ambrosio},
    > title = "Efficient Inference in Bayes Networks as a
    > Combinatorial Optimization Problem",
    > journal = "International Journal of Approximate Reasoning",
    > volume = 11,
    > year = 1994,
    > pages = {55--81}
    > }

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