[UAI] Statistics Faculty Positions at Duke University

From: Scott Schmidler (schmidler@stat.duke.edu)
Date: Thu Dec 06 2001 - 11:44:01 PST


    Duke University ISDS Faculty Positions

    The Institute of Statistics and Decision Sciences (ISDS) at Duke
    University invites applications and nominations for faculty
    positions to begin Fall 2002:

    Open Rank Tenured and Tenure-track Faculty Positions:
        Successful candidates will have demonstrated excellence in
        statistical research and teaching (or potential for excellence,
        for candidates for Assistant Professor) and an interest in
        participating actively in departmental and university life.

    Assistant Professor of the Practice of Statistics:
        Successful candidate will demonstrate excellence, and the
        potential for national recognition, in statistics with
        leadership potential to further develop the teaching and
        statistical practice activities of the Institute. The Institute
        seeks applicants who will participate enthusiastically in
        student life, promote standards of academic excellence in
        education, and provide leadership in service teaching.

    Visiting Positions:
        ISDS also offers positions as Visiting Professor of Statistics
        for periods of one to three years. Successful candidates will
        have strong skills and interests in teaching and research
        interests that contribute to the intellectual life of the
        Institute. Some postdoctoral research positions are also available.

    ISDS faculty and students are involved in research and education in
    the development and application of contemporary statistical methods,
    with particular emphasis on computationally-intensive methods and
    Bayesian analysis. The department stresses interdisciplinarity in
    research and teaching, with recent and ongoing projects in a wide
    range of scientific fields, and the Duke environment offers many
    opportunities for collaboration across disciplinary boundaries.

    The Institute currently has 16 regular-rank faculty, 10 visiting,
    adjunct and postdoctoral faculty, and 26 Ph.D. students. ISDS
    enrolls approximately 1200 undergraduate and 150 graduate students
    per year in service courses and approximately 100 graduate students
    per year in Ph.D. courses. For more information about ISDS and about
    these openings see the ISDS home page <http://www.stat.duke.edu>.

    Candidates must have a doctoral degree in statistics or a related field,
    and potential for success in an environment where education and
    collaborative research are valued. There is no application deadline,
    but screening began December 1, 2001 and is expected to be completed
    during December. All applicants should send a letter, curriculum vitae,
    and the names of three references by post to the address below
    (electronic applications are not accepted). Candidates for Assistant
    Professor should also send three or more letters of reference.

    Mail applications to:
        Faculty Search Committee
        Duke University ISDS, Box 90251
        Durham, NC 27708-0251

    or send inquiries by e-mail to:

    Applications from qualified women and minority candidates are
    particularly encouraged. Duke University is an Equal
    Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

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